

IC最新官方公告2016-DRS001,接受FCC KDB

2016-10-17 19:40| 发布者: amo| 查看: 1032| 评论: 0

摘要: 近日IC官方公布了一则公告,即IC官方暂时接受FCC RF Exposure KDB 规程。其接受的FCC RF Exposure KDB 规程可以在http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ceb-bhst.nsf/eng/h_tt00080.html查看。该公告就如何运用FCC RF Expos ...

近日IC官方1月份公布了一则公告,即IC官方暂时接受FCC RF Exposure KDB 规程。其接受的FCC RF Exposure KDB 规程可以在http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ceb-bhst.nsf/eng/h_tt00080.html查看。该公告就如何运用FCC RF Exposure KDB 规程以及出货加拿大认证程序提供了指导。


        如果IC官方列出的可接受FCC RF Exposure KDB 规程和FCC官网的规程版本有分歧的话,需要询问IC官方,如果差异确实存在,那么将由IC官方决定最终的运用版本。





       2.RF exposure里继续要求含有不确定度预算。


       3.根据IEEE1528及IEC 62209的要求,不管SAR值多少,在最高SAR值的相同设置,需要测试高中低信道。


       4.RSS-102 2.5.1章节里描述到的SAR免测限值是基于近似0.4 W/kg SAR值,且使用半波双极天线推算出来的。像这样的话,如果评估同步传输SAR时,有发射器可以免除SAR测试,那么此发射器的SAR值必须要根据最大免 除tune-up limit和特定频段和距离下的免除limit的比值来预估。为了计算预估SAR值,这个比值必须要乘以0.4W/kg(2.0 W/kg用于受控使用,1.0 W/kg用于四肢穿戴设备)。公式如下:[frac{maximum:power:level:including:tunetext{-}up:tolerance:for:transmitter:A}{maximum:power:level:of:exemption:at:the:same:frequency:and:distance} times 0.4:W/kg]


       5.针对KDB 648474 D04 第5章节里描述到的针对使用动态天线调谐的设备,用感测器阵列测试系统筛选SAR的方法,在使用此方法之前,需要咨询IC官方。


       6.FCC KDB 447498 D01 V064.4.2 章节里的 “Area scan based 1-gSAR estimation” 现已被IC官方接受。


       7.系统确认,系统校验,仪器校准,不确定度,测试程序及setup(例如:漂移,水平和空间扫描要求)需要至少基于RF 1528和 IEC 62209两者之一的要求去实施。KDB 865664 3.5章节里的低于300 MHz的系统校验和验证要求也可以使用。


Applicability of Latest FCC RF Exposure KDB Procedures and Other Procedures

Certain measurement procedures are not currently covered in the international standards referenced in Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada’s RSS-102 – RF exposure compliance of radiocommunication apparatus (All frequency Bands). Therefore, the Department accepts FCC RF exposure KDB procedures on an interim measure. A complete list of accepted FCC RF exposure KDB procedures is available at the following website:http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ceb-bhst.nsf/eng/h_tt00080.html

This notice provides guidance on the applicability of certain requirements currently published in the FCC RF exposure KDB procedures listed on the Department’s website, as well as guidance on the applicability of other procedures when seeking certification of a radiocommunication apparatus for the Canadian market.

  • If discrepancies exist between the FCC KDB versions listed on the Departments website with respect to the versions listed on the FCCs website, the Department must be consulted to determine the applicability of the newest version(s) available if differences do exist for the procedure being used.
  • The exemption limits for routine evaluation defined in RSS-102 are to be applied when determining if a routine evaluation is required.
  • The uncertainty budget will continue to be required in the RF exposure brief regardless of the SAR value measured.
  • Based on the IEEE1528 and IEC 62209 requirements, the low, mid and high frequency channels for the configuration with the highest SAR value must be tested regardless of the SAR value measured.
  • The SAR exemption limits outlined in clause 2.5.1 of RSS-102 have been derived based on an approximate SAR value of 0.4 W/kg using half-wave dipole antennasFootnote1. As such, when simultaneous transmitter SAR evaluations include transmitters that have been exempt from routine SAR evaluation, the SAR must be estimating based on the ratio between the maximum tune-up tolerance limit of the transmitter that has been exempt and the exemption limit at the specific distance and frequency for that transmitter. This ratio must be multiplied by 0.4 W/kg(2.0 W/kg for controlled use and 1.0 W/kg for limb worn devices) in order to calculate the estimated SAR level.

    The estimate SAR value is calculated based the following equation:

    \[ \frac{maximum\:power\:level\:including\:tune\text{-}up\:tolerance\:for\:transmitter\:A}{maximum\:power\:level\:of\:exemption\:at\:the\:same\:frequency\:and\:distance} \times 0.4\:W/kg\]

    Example: transmitter A has a maximum output power of 3 mW and the power exemption threshold is 4 mW at that specific frequency and distance (i.e. 2.45 GHz at 5 mm).
    \[ SAR = \frac {3\:mW}{4\:mW} \times 0.4\:W/kg = 0.3\:W/kg\]
  • The Department must be consulted prior to using a sensor array SAR measurement system for the purpose of SAR screening for devices that employ dynamic antenna tuning as outlined in section 5 of KDB 648474 D04.
  • The procedure defined in Section 4.4.2 of FCC KDB 447498 D01 V06 “Area scan based 1-gSAR estimation” is now accepted by the department.
  • The system check, system validation, equipment calibration, uncertainty (for head and/or body as applicable), general measurement procedures and setup (e.g. drift, area and zoom scan requirements) shall be based on the requirements defined in the latest version of RF 1528 and/or IEC 62209. However, Section 3.5 of KDB 865664 for the system validation and verification requirements below 300 MHz can be used.

Inquiries can be sent to: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ceb-bhst.nsf/frm-eng/EABV-9X4GEH







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