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设备是路由器, 有DC 48v口,和网口(10/100/1000)和光口。欧洲使用。下面是我准备的标准测试列表,大家帮我看看, 欢迎大家指出问题。第一次发帖我怕下面的文字会乱序,特意粘贴了一个附件。
"Test SPEC
Standard" Edition Additions Test item Detailed items Required
EN55022 2006+A1 table2 Conducted disturbances (Main port) N/A(Not required for DC device) NO
Table4 Conducted Common mode Disturbance at telecommunication ports, Ethernet port, DC port; Frequency between 9Khz~30Mhz, need to use coupling networks,Eg, ENY22/41 NO
table 6 and table 9 Radiated emissions Frequency range 30Mhz~1000Mhz, need to use HL562 yes
EN61000-3-2 2006 Harmonic current emissions N/A(Not required for DC device) NO
EN61000-3-3 1995+A1:2001+A2:2005 Voltage fluctuations@flicker N/A(Not required for DC device) NO
EN55024 1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 IEC61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998+A2:2000 ESD Immunity test Contact(4Kv) and air discharged(8KV); Criterion B yes
IEC61000-4-3:2006 RS(Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Susceptibility Test) Continuous radiated disturbance yes
IEC61000-4-4:2004 EFT(Electrical Fast Transient/Burst) On Ethernet port yes
on DC connector 0.5KV; Criterion B yes
IEC61000-4-5:2005 Surges Immunity test On Ethernet port yes
on DC connector; line to line 0.5KV; line to ground 1KV;Criterion B
IEC61000-4-6:2007 CS(Conducted Radio Frequency Disturbances Test) 0.15Mhz~80Mhz, 3Vrms, 80%AM, 1Khz, performance criterion A yes
IEC61000-4-8:1993+A1:2000  FMF(Power Frequency magnetic field immunity test) 50/60Hz, 1A/m performance yes
IEC61000-4-11:2004 Voltage Dips(IEC61000-4-11) N/A(Not required for DC device) NO
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