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FCC-16-24A1 请愿书与指令
美国针对之前5GHz 频带的使用变更跟计画报告书(First R&O 14-30),提供了更进一步放宽对于U-NII-3 (5.725-5.85 GHz)带外频段辐射限制值的在底下条文
15.407(b)(4) For transmitters operating in the 5.725-5.85 GHz band:
(i) All emissions shall be limited to a level of -27 dBm/MHz at 75 MHz or more above or below the
band edge increasing linearly to 10 dBm/MHz at 25 MHz above or below the band edge, and from 25
MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 15.6 dBm/MHz at 5 MHz above or
below the band edge, and from 5 MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 27
dBm/MHz at the band edge.
(ii) Devices certified before March 2, 2017 with antenna gain greater than 10 dBi may demonstrate
compliance with the emission limits in Section 15.247(d), but manufacturing, marketing and importing of
devices certified under this alternative must cease by March 2, 2018. Devices certified before March 2,
2018 with antenna gain of 10 dBi or less may demonstrate compliance with the emission limits in Section
15.247(d), but manufacturing, marketing and importing of devices certified under this alternative must
cease before March 2, 2020.
转换期的截止日 FCC16-24 带外频段
辐射限制值 | 15.407(b)(4)(ii) (替代方式限制值15.247(d)) | | | | | | | | | | | |
请注意这指令并没有延展定义于15.37(h) & KDB926956 D01 U NII Transition Plan 允许在旧法规认证下销售市场的时程(2016/06/02),只是修改与放松U-NII-3 (5.725 -5.85 GHz)带外频段辐射限制值
1. 问题: 新指令(FCC 16-24)何时强制生效?
回答: 一般指令发布到立法生效约两个月. 指令到立法约三十天,立法公布后三十天生效,所以大约在2016 /05/02 附近生效
例如: 相同情况在前一个指令(FCC 14-30) . 指令公布日2014/04/01 , 立法公布2014/05/01 ,立法生效日2014/06/02.
2. 问题: 新旧指令相对于带外频段辐射的限制值有何不同
回答: 新指令相对于旧指令在带外频段辐射限制值是较放松限制的,甚至比之前用数位调变系统的法规(DTS/15.247)带外限制值(30dBc) 在实验出来结果还松
15.407 old rule ( FCC14-30) | 15.407 new rule( FCC16-24) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |