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Force and sense connections, also referred to as Kelvin connections, offer a convenient method of eliminating the effects of voltage drops in circuit wires. As seen in Figure 9a, the load current and wire resistance produce an error (VERROR = R×IL) at the load. The Kelvin connection of Figure 9b overcomes the problem by including the wire resistance within the forcing loop of the amplifier and sensing the load voltage. The amplifier corrects for any errors in the load voltage. In the circuit shown, the output of the amplifier would actually be at 10 volts + VERROR and the voltage at the load would be the desired 10 volts.
所说的开尔文连接是指驱动端和感测端的连接,它提供了抵消线路压降的便利方法。见图9.a,负载电流和线路电阻会使负载产生一个误差压降(VERROR = R×IL)。而如图9.b所示的开尔文连接会产生一个克服包括由放大器驱动环路的线路电阻在内的难题。(***sensing the load voltage暂时理不清它的意思指什么***) (放大器通过感测负载电压),放大器会纠正任何负载电压的误差。如图中所示,放大器的输出实际上是10V+VERROR ,而负载得到的却是期望的10V。
The AD688 has three amplifiers which can be used to implement Kelvin connections. Amplifier A2 is dedicated to the ground force-sense function while uncommitted amplifiers A3 and A4 are free for other force-sense chores.
AD688有3个可以用于开尔文连接的放大器。放大器A2专门用于the ground force-sense 而无定制放大器A3和A4则可以做为其它“驱动-感测”事务之用。(****详见后面的图2,即原文件的图2.a)
In some applications, one amplifier may be unused. In such cases, the unused amplifier should be connected as a unity-gain follower (force and sense pins tied together) and the input should be connected to ground.
An unused amplifier may be used for other circuit functions as well. The curves on this page show the typical performance of A3 and A4.
图2 |