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Composition with EMC shielding characteristics(美国EMC技术专利)

发表于 2007-9-18 09:02:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  <div class="content"><p><b>Abstract</b><br />The present invention is directed to a composition with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) characteristics&#46; In an aspect of the present invention, an adhesive suitable to provide a bond between components may include an adhering material suitable for holding a first surface and a second surface in contact&#46; A plurality of items is disposed in the adhering material&#46; The plurality of items has electromagnetic capability shielding characteristics&#46;</p><p><a href="http://www&#46;google&#46;com/patents/pdf/Composition_with_EMC_shielding_character&#46;pdf?id=OykSAAAAEBAJ&output=pdf&sig=95FdZlzu_Iu9oSey4IoA-K--GqM"><font color="#336699">Composition with EMC shielding characteristics(美国EMC技术专利)</font></a></p></div>


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