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Introducing Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC-电磁兼容性介绍)

发表于 2007-11-16 12:24:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  • EMI can be propagated in two ways; conducted interference along input and output cables; and radiated through direct transmission, capacitive and inductive coupling etc.

  • A device is considered to comply with EMC when:

    - both conducted and radiated interference levels are below specified limits.
    - it's immunity or susceptibility to conducted and radiated interference are above specified limits.
  • EMC Generic Standards:        

    Emission Standards:EN 50081-1 residential & light industry
    EN 50081-2 heavy industry
    Immunity Standards:EN 50082-1 residential & light industry
    EN 50082-2 heavy industry

                 emc_rad.gif (2933 bytes)

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