发表于 2008-12-16 13:33:55
标准定义3.13 active power
标准 7
For the following categories of equipment, limit are not specified in this standard
equipment with a rated power of 75W or less other than lighting equipment
The value of the input power to be used for the calculation of limits shall be determined as follows;
measue the 1.5s smoothed active input power in each DFT time window;
The value of the power, measured as defined in this clause shall be specified by the manufacturer and documented in the test report. This value shall be used for establishing limits during emissions tests when limits are specified in terms of power. In order not to specify a power at which limits change abruptly, thus giving rise to doubt as to which limits apply, the manufacturer may specify any value which is within +/-10% of the actual measured.
由此可见,功率指的是有功功率,active power.
并且如果有争议的,标称的power 应该在实际测得的功率的+/-10%内 |