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发表于 2007-11-23 11:06:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  <a href="http://focus&#46;ti&#46;com/lit/an/scea018/scea018&#46;pdf" target="_blank"><font color="#ff0000">Comparison of rlectromagnetic interference potential of integrated logic circuits AVC, GTLP, BTL, and LVDS</font></a> compares different technologies for data transmission with respect to their electromagnetic-interference behavior&#46; Fourier-series development is used to compare spectral content of output signals and harmonics from AVC, GTLP, BLT, and LVDS technologies&#46; Amplitude spectra of four representative devices, measured using a transverse electromagnetic mode measurement cell, are presented, <font color="#0000ff">pdf file</font>


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