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System-Level EMC Expert System|系统级电磁兼容(EMC)专家系统

发表于 2007-12-17 09:13:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Researchers at the Clemson Vehicular Electronics Laboratory are working on a set of extensions to the printed circuit board EMC expert system algorithms that will allow inter-connected boards in plastic or metal enclosures to be evaluated. The figures below illustrate the types of systems that are targeted. As the algorithms improve, they should be capable of analyzing more complicated systems. More information will be posted here as this work progresses.

  • Overview (coming soon)
  • Hyperlinked Map of Available Algorithms (coming soon)
  • Algorithm Summaries (coming soon)
Two Circuit Boards (unenclosed)
Two Circuit Boards in a Metal Enclosure


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