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PCB设计与走线问题|Printed Circuit Board Design and Layout Questions

发表于 2007-12-20 08:56:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Printed Circuit Board Design and Layout Questions

  1. What are the primary design guidelines that must be followed when laying out a printed circuit board?
  2. How do differential signals induce common-mode currents on the cables and structures attached to a printed circuit board?
  3. How "balanced" does a differential trace pair on a printed circuit board have to be? (i.e. If the two trace lengths are within 1 mm of each other, is that good enough?
  4. If I have to route a trace over a gap in a ground plane, what precautions should I take?
  5. Should I always gap the ground plane between analog and digital circuits?
  6. Does it matter if traces are routed along the edge of a PCB?
  7. Is it a good idea to stitch signal return planes together around the periphery of a board?


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