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---The metallic elements of an optical fibre cable shall be continuous, i.e. it shall be connected across all splices regenerators, etc., along the length of the cable. The metallic elements shall be connected to the equipotential bonding bar (e.p.b.b.), either directly or through a SPD, at the ends of the cable一条光缆中的金属部件沿光缆长度方向应保持连续,即所有接头及再生器处的金属部件应接通。光缆终端的金属部件应直接接至等电位连接排或通过一个浪涌保护器件(SPD) 接至等电位连接排。

Interconnection of single metallic components such as armouring, moisture barrier or strength member at splices or joints can be avoided in cables which do not use metallic conductors for signals or power (see Note in 7.4).


primary failures: Primary failures on the optical fibre cable are those which cause the interruption of service(breakage of one or more optical fibres), an unacceptable increase in attenuation of the optical fibre or an interruption in the remote power supply, if the equipment is powered by metallic conductors inside the optical cable


secondary failures: Secondary failures on the optical fibre cable are those damages to the cable, such as the puncturing of the plastic protective covering (pinholing) and, in case, also of the metal sheath, which do not cause primary failures. 二次.故障光缆的二次故障是指那些光缆损坏,比如塑料保护层上的针孔缺陷等,但不导致一次故障的故障。

frequency of primary failures (Fp): Average annual number of expected primary failures in an optical fibre installation due to direct lightning flashes.


risk of primary failures (Rd): Probable average annual loss of function in the optical fibre installation due to direct lightning flashes.


tolerable frequency of primary failures (Fa): Average annual frequency of primary failures in an optical fibre installation not requiring additional protective measures.


tolerable risk of primary failures (Ra): Maximum level of the risk of primary failures (Rd) due to direct lightning flashes not requiring additional protective measures.

容许的一次故障风险(Ra) 无需采取附加保护措施,由直接雷造成一次故障风险(Rd)的最大限值。

direct lightning flash: A lightning to aerial cable or to the ground surface within the equivalent arcing distance D from buried cable.


direct lightning flash frequency (Nd): Expected average annual number of direct lightning flashes to an optical fibre installation

. 直接雷频度(Nd)雷电直击光纤装置的预期年均次数。

equivalent arcing distance (D): Average distance from buried cable at which a lightning can arc to the cable.


failure lightning current (Ia): Minimum peak value of the lightning current giving rise to a direct arc on the cable and causing primary failures.


breakdown sheath current (Is): Current flowing in the metallic sheath which causes breakdown voltages between metallic elements inside the cable core and the metallic sheath.


connection current (Ic): Minimum current flowing in the interconnecting elements that causes a primary failure due to thermal or mechanical effects.



impulse current (Ip): Current to be used in the test for surge current resistibility of optical fibre cables. The test generator of this current is under consideration by IEC TC 81.



interconnecting elements: interconnecting elements: Metallic elements connecting metallic sheath(s) or the metallic strength member(s) of optical fibre cable at joints and cable ends. 


test current (It): Minimum current injected by arc in the cable metallic sheath that causes a primary failure due to thermal or mechanical effects.


breakdown voltage (Ub): Impulse breakdown voltage between metallic components in the core and the metallic sheath of the optical cable.


damage correction factor (Kd): Factor which allows a conservative evaluation of the frequency of primary failures.


surge protective device (SPD): A device that is intended to limit transient overvoltages and divert surge currents. It contains at least one non-linear component


equipotential bonding bar (E.B.B.): An electrically conductive bar whose electric potential is used as common reference, and to which metallic parts within the installation can be bonded.

等电位连接排(E.B.B.) 用于公共电位基准(参考)的良导体排。金属装置,外部导体,电力和电信线路及其他光缆可以与之连接。

direct lightning current to aerial cables (J): Minimum lightning current which strikes an aerial cable causing a flashover to ground.


exposed structure: A structure, e.g. telecommunication tower, high building, which needs to be protected against direct lightning strokes

暴露建筑物诸如电信塔和高层建筑等(按IEC 61024-1-1的要求)需防直接雷的建筑物。

keraunic level or thunderstorm days (Td): Number of days per year in which thunder is heard in a given location

雷暴日(Td)从年平均雷暴日数分布图获得的每年雷暴天数(见IEC 61024-1-1

ground flash density (Ng): Average number of lightning flashes to ground per square kilometre per year, concerning the region where the structure or the optical fibre cable is located.


lightning collection area: Area of ground surface which has the same annual frequency of direct lightning as the structure or the line.


Figure 1 represents the reference configuration for the optical fibre installations, where the connections with optical fibre cables between two Switches, between Switch and Line Termination and between Switch and line Equipment are shown




Construction characteristics of the cable光缆的结构和特征

This Recommendation applies to the following types of optical fibre cables:本标准适用于以下类型的光缆

        –type A: cable with dielectric core but having no metal elements (dielectric or metal-free cable);


type B: cable with dielectric core and metal sheath or sheaths – there are no metal elements in the core of the cable which has a metal sheath (for example the moisture barrier) or a metallic supporting wire 第二类型B:有一层或几层金属屏蔽层与电介质芯线的光缆:芯线中没有金属成分,但是有金属屏蔽层(如防潮层)或金属支撑线。

type C: cable with metal elements in the core and with a metal sheath or sheaths – there are metal elements, such as conductors or strength members, in the core of the cable which has one or more metal sheaths;


type D: cable with metal elements in the core and without a metal sheath


For cable types B, C and D, the value of failure current (Ia) shall be evaluated, except for cables with more than one metal sheath.


5.2 Failure current for buried cable or aerial cable with earth connections of the metal sheath地埋或架空光缆金属屏蔽层与地连接的故障电流







7 Protective measures防护措施

7.1 General

The metallic elements of an optical fibre cable shall be continuous, i.e. it shall be connected across all splices, regenerators, etc., along the length of the cable. The metallic elements shall be connected to the equipotential bonding bar (E.B.B.) either directly or through a SPD, at the ends of the cable (see Figure 3)


If the E.B.B. of the subscriber building is not available, the metallic elements of the optical fibre

cable shall be connected to a dedicated E.B.B. inside the optical network termination.


For optical fibre cables with metallic elements, the following protective measures are usually considered:对于有金属芯线的光缆,下列常用防护措施可以一起考虑使用:

– use of dielectric or metal-free cables;使用电介质或无金属光缆

– choice of the cable type for both buried and aerial cables;选择有较高故障电流值的地埋和架空光缆类型

– use of the shield wires for buried cables;仅对地埋光缆使用屏蔽线

– earthing of the metal sheath along the route for aerial cables (see 5.2);仅对沿架空光缆路径的金属屏蔽层接地

– route redundancy for both buried and aerial cables;地埋和架空路径冗余

– use of surge arresters for the protection of the metallic pairs of both buried and aerial cables使用避雷器对地埋和架空电缆的金属线对进行防护。


7.2 Dielectric or metal-free cables电介质的或非金属光缆

The use of dielectric or metal-free cables will prevent cable damage due to lightning.使用电介质的或非金属光缆可以防止光缆的雷击损害。

NOTE 1 – A non-metallic aerial cable is not directly susceptible to lightning damage. In fact, until now there has been no experience of such damage.1: 非金属的架空光缆不易受直接雷击损害

NOTE 2 – For buried cables, the lowered resistance of the cable to moisture penetration and the difficulty of locating them during subsequent maintenance activities should be considered. Moreover metallic cables in the same ditch may be hit by direct lightning strikes and, as a consequence, the optical cable could also be destroyed (such damages are, until now, unknown). The same kind of problem may appear when a metal-free cable is accompanied by a metallic conductor (used to locate the optical cable).对于直埋光缆,需要考虑在后续维护中由于水分渗透降低光缆电阻以及进行定位的难度。另外,同一条沟中的金属光缆有可能被直接雷击中,因此,光纤也有可能被破坏(这种损害至尽未知)。同样的问题也可能发生在那些靠近树木架设,或附近有定位光缆用的金属导体的非金属光缆上。

7.3 Choice of cable characteristics for both buried and aerial installations地埋安装和架空安装对光缆特性的选择

Each cable type has its own specific value of failure current (Ia) which is evaluated as indicated in clause 5. The choice of the cable type implies a specific value of failure current (Ia) and, the higher the value of Ia, the lower the frequency of primary failure, as can be calculated in Annex A.每种光缆有其自身特定的故障电流值(Ia),由第五章节指定的方法计算,选择光缆暗含一个特定的电流(Ia) Ia值越高,Fp值就越低,与附录A计算的一样。

7.4 Use of shield wire for buried cables地埋光缆中屏蔽线的运用

The probability of damage to buried cables can be reduced by the use of shield wires. Shield wires intercept a portion of the stroke current thus reducing the amount of current striking the cable. For properly installed shield wires, the shielding factor value, denoted by η, implies that 100η% of the stroke current flows on the cable sheath. Shield factor values can be calculated with the method shown in Appendix I.

Improvement to the frequency of primary failures (Fp) due to shield wires can be calculated as follows:









Nd expected average annual number of direct lightning flashes to the cable

; Nd是雷电直击光缆的预期年均次数。

p probability for the lightning peak current to be equal to or higher than Ia/η


Ia failure current Ia是故障电流;

η shielding factorη是屏蔽系数.

NOTE – In the case of a metal free-cable core (i.e. there is only one metallic component, the sheath), the protection against induction from electrical lines can be obtained keeping the sheath(s) continuous at splices, providing earthing at repeaters and providing earth electrodes at splices only where required to limit the sheath to earth voltage to a value below the breakdown voltage limits.


The installation of shield wire(s) also allows the use of an another coordinated protection scheme, the interruption of the metallic sheath, i.e. the moisture barrier, at each splice or additionally at intermediate locations as required to keep the induced sheath to earth voltage values below the breakdown voltage limits


7.5 Route redundancy路径冗余

The overall service availability can be improved by implementing route redundancy using a second parallel route, which may be required for other reasons, such as the need for increased facilities. In such a case, the method presented in Bibliography [1] can aid in deciding the optimal route

separation to improve the overall service availability for buried and aerial cables.



Frequency of primary failures一次故障频度A.1 Buried cable

A.1 Buried cable地埋光缆

The frequency of primary failures for buried cables (Fpb) is estimated with the following equation:

Fpb = Nd p(Ia) [damages/year]                               (A-1)







Sheath breakdown current屏蔽层击穿电流

B.1 Buried cable地埋光缆

The sheath breakdown current (Is) of the cable with metal elements in the core and with one metal sheath, with or without an insulating protective covering, may be estimated from the following equation:对于金属屏蔽层和金属缆芯的光缆,不管是否存在绝缘保护外皮,其屏蔽击穿电流(Is)都可以用公式(B-1)估算

IsUb / ( K R ⋅ ρ1/2) [kA]                                 (B-1)


K = 8 [(m/Ω)0.5] is the waveshape factor for lightning current (10/350 μs waveform)

其中:K=8是雷电流波形系数(10/350 μs 波形)单位[(m/Ω)0.5]


R is the sheath resistance per unit length [Ω/km]R是屏蔽层单位长度电阻。

Ub is the breakdown voltage [V] of the cable, evaluated with the test indicated in C.2 Ub是光缆击穿电压其值通过C.2中的的实验得到。

ρ is the soil resistivity (Ω.m) ρ是土壤电阻率(Ω.m)


Shielding factor屏蔽系数值





Tolerable frequency of primary failures (Fa)一次故障频度容许值(Fa)

The damage caused by lightning to optical fibre installations may produce an unacceptable loss of services to the public. In this case, the decision whether or not to provide protective measures should be taken by a comparison of the actual value of frequency of primary failures (Fp) to the optical fibre installation with the limit value of the tolerable frequency of primary failures (Fa), fixed by each Network Operator.


The value Fa can be estimated with the following equation:Fa可以通过下值计算

Fa=Ra/δ                             F-1)


Ra tolerable risk of primary failuresRa是容许的一次故障风险极大值

δ relative amount of the expected losses per damageδ是一次故障损失预期值

The following values of Ra and δ are suggested:推荐的Ra δ值如下

δ = 103

Ra= 104



= 0.1


Environmental factor (Ke)环境因子

The evaluation of Ke shall be performed based on the typical construction parameters of the region considered:环境因子应按基于考虑了区域内建筑类型参数执行。

– Urban area with tall buildings (above 6 floors): Ke = 0.01城区高建筑(6层以上)

– Urban area with medium buildings (between 3 and 6 floors): Ke = 0.1城区中层建筑(3-6层之间)

– Suburban area with houses (one or two floors): Ke = 0.5郊外的房子(1-2层之间)

– Rural area without constructions (flat ground): Ke = 1农村无建筑(平地)


– Rural area without constructions (top of hill): Ke = 2农村无建筑(丘陵山顶)



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