
楼主: evanwei

safety design guideline

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:56:09 | 显示全部楼层
2.2.3 Construction/Manufacture Phase The construction/manufacture phase involves manufacturers/constructors following design plans. Design plans should detail processes for safe construction/manufacture, as well as safety requirements/features to be included in the designed-products. Monitoring and evaluation of the risk controls communicated with the design plan should be factored into manufacturer/constructor’s risk assessments and OHS management systems to ensure safe production processes. In the case of plant and equipment design, trials should confirm the effectiveness of risk controls in the designed-products before they are provided for supply or use.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:56:33 | 显示全部楼层
2.2.4 Supply/Install Phase The supply/install phase involves the safe receipt, storage, handling and transfer of designed-products to a user. Suppliers include importers, leasing or hire agents, auctioneers and second-hand dealers. Suppliers need to be aware of the risks and should communicate the residual risk and risk control measures necessary for safe use of designed-products to users, such as employers, workers and/or their health and safety representatives. Suppliers should also conduct risk assessments for the safe receipt, storage and handling of designed-products. Risk assessments should be informed by the residual risk and risk controls communicated by designers and manufacturers, whether the designed-products come from within Australia or from overseas. Suppliers should encourage persons in control of a workplace and/or persons in control of work to discuss relevant health and safety issues associated with the designed-products they make commercially available. The supplier should pass relevant risk information back to designers and manufacturers/constructors.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:56:57 | 显示全部楼层
2.2.5 Commission/Use Phase The commission/use phase of the lifecycle implements the designed-product into the workplace. It involves: • confirmation of trial results and ongoing evaluation activities; • effective passage of information; and, • appropriate training, instruction and supervision. Persons in control of workplaces and work need to assess the risks arising from the implementation and ongoing use of designed-products, using the knowledge of the residual risk passed from designers, manufacturers and suppliers. Any additional design issues identified at this stage should be fed back to the designer through the manufacturer, supplier and/or importer.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:57:21 | 显示全部楼层
2.2.6 Maintain/Modify, Decommission and Dispose/Recycle Phases Each of these phases also requires risk assessment, based on the information obtained through the lifecycle about the residual risk and risk control measures required. Additional design issues identified in these phases should be fed back to the designer. Any modification to a designed-product requires re-application of the processes detailed in the concept and design phases. This not only ensures that new hazards are not introduced, but also that safety features already designed in are not affected, and other opportunities for improved elimination/control of risks are identified.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:57:46 | 显示全部楼层
2.3 Systematic Risk Management The primary duty of a designer, manufacturer/constructor or supplier of designed-products is to eliminate any hazards that may create a risk of harm from use or exposure to the designed-product throughout its lifecycle. If it is not practicable to eliminate the hazard, then the designer, manufacturer/constructor or supplier should control the risk as much as possible and provide information about the residual risk. The duties apply to the extent that a person has control and/or influence over the design, manufacture/construction or supply. The ability to control and/or influence the risk of harm will differ depending on the specific function to be undertaken. 2.3.1 Risk Management Process To effectively undertake their duties designers, manufacturers/constructors and suppliers should: • identify design-related hazards in relation to the range of intended use, including foreseeable misuse of the product; • conduct risk assessments; • eliminate hazards and control risks; • monitor and review the risk control measures; • maintain records of risk assessments; • consult with persons involved in the lifecycle of the product; and, • provide information on the intended use of designed-products for the benefit of users throughout the product lifecycle.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:58:43 | 显示全部楼层 Identify hazards There are two broad sources of hazards relevant to designed-products: • hazards relating to the designed products themselves. Designed-products are likely to have a range of hazards that need to be identified. For example, a patient trolley in a health care facility may involve hazards relating to its mobility and its moving parts and its load-carrying capacity, while a building or structure may have hazards relating to access and egress. • hazards relating to how the designed-products will be used and the environment where they will be used. The patient trolley, for example, may have hazards stemming from the kind of loads that it is used to move, the gradient and type of surface (eg, unstable or slippery flooring) on which it is used that may affect the user. A designer should consider hazards posed by the environment in which the item will be used. Hazard identification should take place as early as possible in the concept development and design phases, before the designed-product is finalised, constructed and/or installed. It is important that hazard identification activities are systematic and not limited to one or two people’s experiences of situations. Systematic identification of hazards requires: • Research – information that can help identify hazards and assess and control the risks of designed-products. These may range from injury and incident data kept by users, OHS authorities, or other suppliers, manufacturers and/or designers of similar designed-products, to records of research and trials previously conducted by any of these parties. Identify hazards There are two broad sources of hazards relevant to designed-products: • hazards relating to the designed products themselves. Designed-products are likely to have a range of hazards that need to be identified. For example, a patient trolley in a health care facility may involve hazards relating to its mobility and its moving parts and its load-carrying capacity, while a building or structure may have hazards relating to access and egress. • hazards relating to how the designed-products will be used and the environment where they will be used. The patient trolley, for example, may have hazards stemming from the kind of loads that it is used to move, the gradient and type of surface (eg, unstable or slippery flooring) on which it is used that may affect the user. A designer should consider hazards posed by the environment in which the item will be used. Hazard identification should take place as early as possible in the concept development and design phases, before the designed-product is finalised, constructed and/or installed. It is important that hazard identification activities are systematic and not limited to one or two people’s experiences of situations. Systematic identification of hazards requires: • Research – information that can help identify hazards and assess and control the risks of designed-products. These may range from injury and incident data kept by users, OHS authorities, or other suppliers, manufacturers and/or designers of similar designed-products, to records of research and trials previously conducted by any of these parties.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:59:26 | 显示全部楼层
• Consultation – consultation is a critical element in all steps of safe design as well as in the risk assessment process. Designers will be best informed if they have consulted all parties involved in the lifecycle of designed-products about hazards and the ease of use of designed products. • Guidance material – checklists for hazard identification may be found in: o related standards; o codes of practice; o guidance notes; o technical standards; and/or, o other resource material. Assess the risk of harm If use in any subsequent phase of the lifecycle of the designed-product has the potential to result in harm, designers, manufacturers/constructors and/or suppliers need to analyse and evaluate the risk. Analysis utilises research to determine: • if there are any existing controls; • the likelihood of a harmful event occurring; • the consequence of the harmful event; and, • the resultant estimated level of risk. Evaluation allows for comparison of the estimated risk levels against the guidance provided on acceptable levels of risk. It also provides for prioritisation of the risks leading to the next risk management step of elimination or control. • Risk assessment tools and techniques – risk assessment tools should be selected depending on the context of the risk (is it a building, plant, substance or system of work?) and the risk type (are there manual handling, confined-space, falls from height risks?). Examples of risk assessment tools that might be used include: o Hazard & Operability Studies (HazOp)10 – is a method of identifying hazards and operability problems. It uses group review of the significance of all the ways that a particular process can deviate from its expected operation. The technique is a structured brainstorming approach using specific guide words to examine each part of a process plant at detailed design level prior to construction. It is particularly applicable to process plant but can be modified through the use of different guidewords to apply to other product areas of design. o Event Tree Analysis (ETA)11 – is used to identify initiating events and their frequency into possible outcomes. o Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)12 – is a technique used to identify, and pictorially depict, conditions and factors (or top events) that can lead to an undesired • Consultation – consultation is a critical element in all steps of safe design as well as in the risk assessment process. Designers will be best informed if they have consulted all parties involved in the lifecycle of designed-products about hazards and the ease of use of designed products. • Guidance material – checklists for hazard identification may be found in: o related standards; o codes of practice; o guidance notes; o technical standards; and/or, o other resource material. Assess the risk of harm If use in any subsequent phase of the lifecycle of the designed-product has the potential to result in harm, designers, manufacturers/constructors and/or suppliers need to analyse and evaluate the risk. Analysis utilises research to determine: • if there are any existing controls; • the likelihood of a harmful event occurring; • the consequence of the harmful event; and, • the resultant estimated level of risk. Evaluation allows for comparison of the estimated risk levels against the guidance provided on acceptable levels of risk. It also provides for prioritisation of the risks leading to the next risk management step of elimination or control. • Risk assessment tools and techniques – risk assessment tools should be selected depending on the context of the risk (is it a building, plant, substance or system of work?) and the risk type (are there manual handling, confined-space, falls from height risks?). Examples of risk assessment tools that might be used include: o Hazard & Operability Studies (HazOp)10 – is a method of identifying hazards and operability problems. It uses group review of the significance of all the ways that a particular process can deviate from its expected operation. The technique is a structured brainstorming approach using specific guide words to examine each part of a process plant at detailed design level prior to construction. It is particularly applicable to process plant but can be modified through the use of different guidewords to apply to other product areas of design. o Event Tree Analysis (ETA)11 – is used to identify initiating events and their frequency into possible outcomes. o Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)12 – is a technique used to identify, and pictorially depict, conditions and factors (or top events) that can lead to an undesired • Consultation – consultation is a critical element in all steps of safe design as well as in the risk assessment process. Designers will be best informed if they have consulted all parties involved in the lifecycle of designed-products about hazards and the ease of use of designed products. • Guidance material – checklists for hazard identification may be found in: o related standards; o codes of practice; o guidance notes; o technical standards; and/or, o other resource material. Assess the risk of harm If use in any subsequent phase of the lifecycle of the designed-product has the potential to result in harm, designers, manufacturers/constructors and/or suppliers need to analyse and evaluate the risk. Analysis utilises research to determine: • if there are any existing controls; • the likelihood of a harmful event occurring; • the consequence of the harmful event; and, • the resultant estimated level of risk. Evaluation allows for comparison of the estimated risk levels against the guidance provided on acceptable levels of risk. It also provides for prioritisation of the risks leading to the next risk management step of elimination or control. • Risk assessment tools and techniques – risk assessment tools should be selected depending on the context of the risk (is it a building, plant, substance or system of work?) and the risk type (are there manual handling, confined-space, falls from height risks?). Examples of risk assessment tools that might be used include: o Hazard & Operability Studies (HazOp)10 – is a method of identifying hazards and operability problems. It uses group review of the significance of all the ways that a particular process can deviate from its expected operation. The technique is a structured brainstorming approach using specific guide words to examine each part of a process plant at detailed design level prior to construction. It is particularly applicable to process plant but can be modified through the use of different guidewords to apply to other product areas of design. o Event Tree Analysis (ETA)11 – is used to identify initiating events and their frequency into possible outcomes. o Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)12 – is a technique used to identify, and pictorially depict, conditions and factors (or top events) that can lead to an undesired event. Possible causes or fault modes in functional systems (or elements of products) are identified, by assessing ‘what can go wrong?’ o Fault Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)13 – is used to identify potential failures in a structural or mechanical design. The process breaks down the design into appropriate levels for examination to identify the potential modes and consequence of failures and the effects this may have on the component and the systems as a whole. o Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)14 – is used to identify hazards, hazardous situations and events that can cause harm for a given activity, facility or system. It is commonly used early in the development of projects, however it can be used when analysing existing systems or prioritising hazards if a more extensive method cannot be used. o Human Reliability Assessment (HRA)15 – deals with the impact of people on system performance and the influence of human errors on reliability. o Construction Hazard Assessment Implication Review (CHAIR)16 – is a tool designed specifically for safe design in construction. Control the risks Where an assessment of a designed-product results in unacceptable levels of risk, a designer should consider whether the risk can be designed-out by re-designing aspects of the product. However, if design risk is assessed as extreme or very high the design approach may need to be reconsidered. A fundamentally different design approach may be required to remove (eliminate) those risks. If the risk cannot be eliminated, the designer should attempt to minimise the risk as far as is practicable by using one or more control measures. The hierarchy of controls (as detailed in section below) should be used to assist identification of the most effective risk control options. Designers need to make sure that any control put in place does not create another risk or introduce a new hazard for users. If, after attempts to eliminate or control risk, the residual risk remains too high, the designer should provide information on the remaining or residual risk and advise on measures required to control this in the workplace. All relevant information should be provided to the manufacturer, supplier and user of the designed-product. The hierarchy of control model is usually presented as a problem-solving and creative-thinking tool for use at the control stage of the risk assessment process which requires: • Elimination of the hazard as a first priority. • If the hazard can't be eliminated, minimisation of the risks by: o substituting with something safer; o modifying the plant or system of work;
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 19:01:08 | 显示全部楼层
there are national model codes of practice for each of these (e.g. The National Code of Practice for the Labelling of Workplace Substances – [NOHSC:2012(1994)])20. For plant it is common practice for manufacturers to produce either warning labels or notices that are attached to plant and/or an operation manual, which may include OHS information. The scope and quality of this information is variable. All of the Australian OHS statutes require manufacturers, importers and suppliers of plant to provide information (and most States and Territories establish the same duty on designers). 2.5.1 Consultation The process of consulting within a workplace with those potentially affected by design decisions concerning plant, workplace layout, work systems, etc. is now generally commonplace. Employers with responsibility for ensuring the safe design of these factors within the workplace cannot fulfill their duties without consulting those affected. However, consultations on safe design between designers and end users, as depicted in Figure 6, presently occurs without any formal structure for seeking the views of those affected. There should be no significant barriers to consulting in this way. Figure 6 – Information Exchange Model Consult about Design - Product Safe Design outside of the Workplace (Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer) Hazard ID, Risk Assess, Risk ControlHierarchy of Control/Safe Design Design for the end user Consult with end users or representatives Consult during each phase of the lifecycle Safe Design Safe Design withinthe Workplace Hazard ID, Risk Assess, Risk Control Hierarchy of Control/Safe Design Consultation Employer-Employee Consult with designer/manufacturer ConsultEmployees or Health and Safety Representative Employer = Designer
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 19:01:25 | 显示全部楼层
ATTACHMENT A Definitions Commission to put into active service or use. Design the conceptual process used to bring together innovation, aesthetics, and functionality to plan and create an artefact, a product, a process or a system to meet an artistic or industrial requirement of an individual or group. It includes research and development, conceptual design, general design, drawings, plans, systems, quantities, method of construction or manufacture, detailed cost and risk analysis (including analysis of OHS risks), feasibility, detailed design, technical specification, and redesign. Design phase involves development of design options and trials in consultation with users. Designed-product the item to be designed, which might be a built environment, equipment, chemical, work system or process; or any other physical attribute or system associated with either the work place or the interface with people. Ergonomics the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them Hazard a source or situation with the potential to cause harm in terms of human injury or ill health, damage to property, environment or a combination of these. Person with control (a) a person who, by virtue of their position or level of influence, can exercise management decisions that affect health and safety; and (b) the person's duty only goes as far as the extent of control the person can exercise taking account of their position or level of influence. A person with control includes: (a) a person with control of the workplace; and (b) a person with control of work. Lifecycle all phases in the life of a designed-product. Specific phases depend on the type of product but may include design, development, manufacture, construction, assembly, import, supply, distribution, sale, hire, lease, storage, transport, installation, erection, commissioning, use or operation, consumption, maintenance, servicing, cleaning, adjustment, inspection, repair, modification, refurbishment, renovation, recycling, resale, decommissioning, dismantling, demolition, discontinuance, disposal.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 19:01:55 | 显示全部楼层
Residual risk the risk that remains after the application of controls, barriers and other risk reducing methods or techniques. Risk in relation to any hazard, means the probability and consequence(s) of occurrences of injury, illness or damage arising from exposure to a hazard. Risk assessment the process of analysing the probability and consequences of injury, illness or damage arising from exposure to identified hazards. Safe Design the integration of hazard identification and risk assessment methods early in the design process, and then taking the necessary actions so that the risks of injury or damage are eliminated or minimised, for the life of the item being designed. Supply includes retail sale, wholesale, exchange, second hand ATTACHMENT B Legislative Clauses for Designers Duty of Care This Attachment provides the relevant legislative clauses for each OHS Jurisdiction on a designer’s duty of care. Australian Capital Territory Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 Section 42 – Duties of manufacturers in relation to plant and substances Commonwealth Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991 Section 18 – Duties of manufacturers in relation to plant and substances New South Wales Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 Section 11 – Duties of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of plant and substances for use at work Northern Territory Work Health Act 2005 Section 30B – Duties of manufacturers, &c. Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 Section 23 – Obligations for workplace health and safety Section 32 – Obligations of designers of plant Section 34B – Obligations of designers of structures used as workplaces South Australia Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 Section 23A – Duties of designers and owners of building Section 24 – Duties of manufacturers etc Tasmania Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 Section 14 – Duties of designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers and installerssale, auction, lease, Victoria Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 Section 27 – Duties of designers of plant Section 28 – Duties of designers of buildings or structures Western Australia Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 Section 23 – Duties of manufacturers, etc.hire, hire-purchase and distribution, and includes any form of resupply. Users A user can be any person who interacts with the designed-products throughout the lifecycle of the designed-products. The term “use” is also common in respect to the “use or commission” phase of the lifecycle.


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