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先看下EN-55024里面关于contact discharge的描述:
The EUT shall be exposed to at least 200 discharges,100 each at negative and positive polarity, at a minimum of four test points(a minimum of 50 discharges at each point).One of the test points shall be subjected to at least 50 indirect discharges(contact) to the centre of the front edge of the horizontal coupling plane. The remaining three test points shall each receive at least 50 direct contact discharges. If no direct contact test points are available, then at least 200 indirect discharges shall be applied in the indirect mode(see IEC 61000-4-2 for use of the Vertical Conducting Plane(VCP)).Test shall be performed at a maximum repetition rate of one discharge per second.
可是,如果遇到EUT 只有3个或2个,甚至1个可接触放电的点,那应该对每个点放电多少次呢?!是否把耦合放电的点也算进去呢?!
我们平时对笔记本做接触放电的时候,每个电压每个极性是10次放电(仅contact discharge),由于测试点多,总的下来肯定在200次放电以上。
可是像鼠标这种产品,可接触放电的点就1个或2个,按照标准就不清楚怎么来对它放电了,以往我们实验室就10 次。可是我觉得欠妥。
第一次发帖,希望大家给予热情帮助哈,多谢多谢,鞠躬先,呵呵~~~ |