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发表于 2010-4-29 13:54:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  CISPR14-2 AMD1:2001主要修改了以下内容:
1.    目的和范围
1.1部分的修改    1)在第二段[Apparatus may incorporate motors, heating elements or their combination, may contain electricor electronic circuitry, and may be powered by the mains, by batteries, or by any other electricalpower source. ]“mains,”后增加“by transformer”
1)    2)将第3个破折号[– UV and IR radiators for personal care.]“UV and IR radiators for personal care”替换为“appliances for personal care equipped with radiators in the range from UV to IR, inclusive(this includes visible light)”
修改后译文    1)    器具里可装有电动机或电热元件或二者兼有,其电路可包含电气线路和电子线路,它可以由市电、电池或其他电源供电
2)    个人保健用的紫外线和红外线辐射仪
标准差异    编辑性修改
1.2部分的修改    1)在第5个破折号“electronic music instruments”后增加“”other than toys”;
2)第7个破折号后“personal computers and similar equipment”. 后增加“other than toys”;
标准差异    修改了标准的适用范围,除原来的适用范围外,本标准也适用于玩具的电子音乐设备、玩具的个人电脑和类似设备,不适用于儿童监护系统
2.    引用文件
3.    术语
修改条款    内容差异
4.1 I类
部分的修改    1)第一段删除“for example motor operated appliances, toys, tools, heating
appliances and similar electric apparatus (such as UV and IR radiators)”.
2)新增一段“Examples: motor operated appliances, lighting toys, track sets without electronic control units, tools, heating appliances, UV and IR radiators and apparatus containing components such as electromechanical switches and thermostats. ”
3)    删除第三段“Examples: apparatus containing components such as electromotors, electromechanical switches, thermostats, (rechargeable) batteries”
标准差异    编辑性修改
4.1 II类
部分的修改    Category II: mains powered motor operated appliances, tools, heating appliances and similar electric apparatus (for example – UV radiators, IR radiators and microwave ovens)containing electronic control circuitry with no internal clock frequency or oscillator frequency higher than 15 MHz.
NOTE – The value 15 MHz is tentative and may be modified after a period of experience.
1)    在段首增加“transformer toys, dual supply toys,”
2)    .增加注2“NOTE 2 For toys, examples include educational computers, organs, track sets with electronic control units”
标准差异    1)    术语增加,在分类中相应增加“变压器玩具”、“双电源式玩具”,与后面分类不同的考核要求相对应
2)    因为本次修改主要是增加玩具方面的内容,为了使用者便于理解标准,注2增加了举例:注2:玩具例如学习机、风琴、带有电子控制单元的轨道车
4.1 III类
部分的修改    1)增加了注:NOTE For toys, examples include musical soft toys, cord-controlled toys and motor-operated electronic toys.
标准差异    1)因为本次修改主要是增加玩具方面的内容,为了使用者便于理解标准,增加注,进行举例:注:玩具例如音乐玩具、提线玩具、电机驱动电子玩具
表10    1)表下增加以下文字:For extra low voltage a.c ports, this testing is only applicable to ports interfacing with cables whose total length may exceed 3 m according to the manufacturers functional specification.
标准差异    1)明确了对于交流超低电源端测试要求:对于交流超低电源端测试根据制造商的功能性说明,仅需对连有总长超过3m的端口进行测试

7.1.3    Regardless of their category, experimental and construction kits intended for education and play are deemed to fulfil the immunity requirements, and are not tested.
1)删除“and construction”
修改后译文    1)教育用或游戏用的试验性设备,无论他们术语哪一类型,均认为他们能满足抗扰度要求,不需进行试验
标准差异    1)将“配套设备”删除,因为配套设备不同,可能属于别的类别产品,则应按照其他类别的产品要求进行试验,该处修改避免了标准的要求冲突
7.2.3 III类    1)删除了以下内容:
– fast transients with performance criterion B (5.2);
– injected currents up to 230 MHz with performance criterion A (5.3);
2) 增加了以下内容
– radio frequency electromagnetic fields, with performance criterion A.
This test is only applicable to the ride on toys operating with electronic devices.
标准差异    1)删去了两个抗扰度项目的考核要求:脉冲群和注入电流

8.1    1)增加了以下内容:
During the tests, toys are operated under normal operation. Transformer toys are tested with the transformer supplied with the toy. If the toy is supplied without a transformer, it shall be tested with an appropriate transformer.
In case of associated devices (for example, video toy cartridges) sold separately to be used with different appliances, the associated device shall be tested with at least one appropriate representative hosting appliance, selected by the manufacturer of the associated device, in order to check conformity of the associated device for all appliances with which it is intended to operate. The hosting appliance shall be representative of series produced appliances and shall be typical.
修改后译文    试验中,玩具在正常模式下运行变压器玩具测试时应通过变压器给玩具供电如未提供变压器,应配备适宜的变压器如配套装置分别销售,为了确认配备设备的一致性,则至少应测试一个相对主要的(由制造商选择配套装置)合成设备应具有该系列产品的代表性和典型性


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