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Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 3-2:
Limits –
Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
Reference number
IEC 61000-3-2:2005(E)
Third edition
This English-language version is derived from the original
bilingual publication by leaving out all French-language
pages. Missing page numbers correspond to the Frenchlanguage
Publication numbering
As from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications are issued with a designation in the
60000 series. For example, IEC 34-1 is now referred to as IEC 60034-1.
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The IEC is now publishing consolidated versions of its publications. For example,
edition numbers 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication, the
base publication incorporating amendment 1 and the base publication incorporating
amendments 1 and 2.
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Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 3-2:
Limits –
Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
For price, see current catalogue
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International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembé, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: inmail@iec.ch Web: www.iec.ch
Third edition
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale U
International Electrotechnical Commission
Международная Электротехническая Комиссия
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 3 –
1 Scope............................................................................................................................13
2 Normative references......................................................................................................13
3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................15
4 General ..........................................................................................................................21
5 Classification of equipment .............................................................................................21
6 General requirements .....................................................................................................23
6.1 Control methods ....................................................................................................23
6.2 Harmonic current measurement .............................................................................25
6.3 Equipment in a rack or case...................................................................................29
7 Harmonic current limits ...................................................................................................29
7.1 Limits for Class A equipment .................................................................................33
7.2 Limits for Class B equipment .................................................................................33
7.3 Limits for Class C equipment .................................................................................33
7.4 Limits for Class D equipment .................................................................................33
Annex A (normative) Measurement circuit and supply source................................................39
A.1 Test circuit ............................................................................................................ 39
A.2 Supply source........................................................................................................39
Annex B (normative) Requirements for measurement equipment ..........................................45
Annex C (normative) Type test conditions.............................................................................47
C.1 General .................................................................................................................47
C.2 Test conditions for television (TV) receivers ...........................................................47
C.3 Test conditions for audio amplifiers........................................................................ 49
C.4 Test conditions for video-cassette recorders ..........................................................49
C.5 Test conditions for lighting equipment ....................................................................49
C.6 Test conditions for independent and built-in incandescent lamp dimmers ...............51
C.7 Test conditions for vacuum cleaners ......................................................................51
C.8 Test conditions for washing machines ....................................................................53
C.9 Test conditions for microwave ovens......................................................................53
C.10 Test conditions for information technology equipment (ITE)....................................53
C.11 Test conditions for induction hobs ..........................................................................53
C.12 Test conditions for air conditioners.........................................................................55
C.13 Test conditions for kitchen machines as defined in IEC 60335-2-14........................55
C.14 Test conditions for arc welding equipment which is not professional
equipment .............................................................................................................55
C.15 Test conditions for other equipment .......................................................................57
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 5 –
Figure 1 – Flowchart for determining conformity .................................................................... 31
Figure A.1 – Measurement circuit for single-phase equipment................................................ 41
Figure A.2 – Measurement circuit for three-phase equipment................................................. 43
Table 1 – Limits for Class A equipment ................................................................................. 35
Table 2 – Limits for Class C equipment ................................................................................. 35
Table 3 – Limits for Class D equipment ................................................................................. 35
Table 4 – Test observation period ......................................................................................... 37
Table C.1 – Conventional load for arc welding equipment tests .............................................. 55
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 7 –
Part 3-2: Limits –
Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,
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with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard IEC 61000-3-2 has been prepared by sub-committee 77A: Low-frequency
phenomena, of IEC technical committee 77: Electromagnetic compatibility.
This third edition of IEC 61000-3-2 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2000,
its amendment 1 (2001) and amendment 2 (2004).
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 9 –
The text of this standard is based on the second edition, amendment 1, amendment 2 and the
following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
77A/503/FDIS 77A/516/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the
maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in the data
related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed;
• withdrawn;
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 11 –
IEC 61000 is published in separate parts, according to the following structure:
Part 1: General
General considerations (introduction, fundamental principles)
Definitions, terminology
Part 2: Environment
Description levels
Classification of the environment
Compatibility levels
Part 3: Limits
Emission limits
Immunity limits (in so far as they do not fall under the responsibility of the product
Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques
Measurement techniques
Testing techniques
Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines
Installation guidelines
Mitigation methods and devices
Part 6: Generic standards
Part 9: Miscellaneous
Each part is further subdivided into sections which are to be published either as international
standards, technical specifications, or as technical reports.
These standards and reports will be published in chronological order and numbered
accordingly (for example, 61000-6-1).
This part is an international standard which gives emission limits for harmonic currents from
equipment having an input current up to and including 16 A per phase.
This part is a Product Family Standard.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 13 –
Part 3-2: Limits –
Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
1 Scope
This part of IEC 61000 deals with the limitation of harmonic currents injected into the public
supply system.
It specifies limits of harmonic components of the input current which may be produced by
equipment tested under specified conditions.
Harmonic components are measured according to Annexes A and B.
This part of IEC 61000 is applicable to electrical and electronic equipment having an input
current up to and including 16 A per phase, and intended to be connected to public low-voltage
distribution systems.
Arc welding equipment which is not professional equipment, with input current up to and
including 16 A per phase, is included in this standard.
Arc welding equipment intended for professional use, as specified in IEC 60974-1, is excluded
from this standard and may be subject to installation restrictions as indicated in IEC 61000-3-4
or IEC 61000-3-12.
The tests according to this standard are type tests. Test conditions for particular equipment are
given in Annex C.
For systems with nominal voltages less than 220 V (line-to-neutral), the limits have not yet
been considered.
NOTE The words apparatus, appliance, device and equipment are used throughout this standard. They have the
same meaning for the purpose of this standard.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60050(131), International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Chapter 131: Electric and
magnetic circuits
IEC 60050(161), International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Chapter 161: Electromagnetic
IEC 60065, Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 15 –
IEC 60107-1, Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions –
Part 1: General considerations – Measurements at radio and video frequencies
IEC 60155, Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps
IEC 60268-3, Sound system equipment – Part 3: Amplifiers
IEC 60335-2-2, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular
requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances
IEC 60335-2-14, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular
requirements for kitchen machines
IEC 60974-1, Arc welding equipment – Part 1: Welding power sources
IEC 61000-2-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 2: Environment – Section 2:
Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public lowvoltage
power supply systems
IEC/TS 61000-3-4, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-4: Limits – Limitation of
emission of harmonic currents in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated
current greater than 16 A
IEC 61000-3-12, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-12: Limits – Limits for harmonic
currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current
>16 A and ≤ 75 A per phase
IEC 61000-4-7, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-7: Testing and measurement
techniques – General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and
instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto
Recommendation ITU-R BT.471-1, Nomenclature and description of colour bar signals
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61000, the following definitions apply, as well as the
definitions of IEC 60050(161).
portable tool
an electrical tool which is hand-held during normal operation and used for a short time (a few
minutes) only
a source for producing light
self-ballasted lamp
a unit which cannot be dismantled without being permanently damaged, provided with a lamp
cap and incorporating a light source and any additional element necessary for starting and
stable operation of the light source
an apparatus (other than a lamp) which distributes, filters or transforms the light transmitted
from one or more lamps and which includes all the parts necessary for supporting, fixing and
protecting the lamps, and, where necessary, circuit auxiliaries, together with the means for
connecting them to the supply
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 17 –
a unit similar to a self-ballasted lamp but designed to utilize a replaceable light source and/or
starting device
a device connected between the supply and one or more discharge lamps which serves mainly
to limit the current of the lamp(s) to the required value. It may include means for transforming
the supply voltage and/or frequency, correcting the power factor and, either alone or in
combination with a starting device, provide the necessary conditions for starting the lamp(s)
step-down converter for lighting equipment
a unit inserted between the supply and one or more tungsten halogen or other filament lamps
which serves to supply the lamp(s) with its (their) rated voltage, generally at high frequency.
The unit may consist of one or more separate components. It may include means for dimming,
correcting the power factor and suppressing radio interference
lighting unit
lighting equipment consisting of one self-ballasted lamp or the combination of one control
device (ballast, semi-luminaire, transformer or the like) operating one or more lamps
reference lamp
a lamp selected for testing ballasts which, when associated with a reference ballast, has
electrical characteristics that are close to the objective values given in the relevant lamp
reference ballast
a special inductive-type ballast designed for the purpose of providing comparison standards for
use in testing ballasts and for the selection of reference lamps. It is essentially characterized
by a stable voltage-to-current ratio, which is relatively uninfluenced by variations in current,
temperature, and the magnetic surroundings
input current
current directly supplied to an equipment or a part of equipment by the a.c. distribution system
circuit power factor
the circuit power factor is the ratio of the measured active input power to the product of the
supply voltage (r.m.s.) and the supply current (r.m.s.)
active power
the mean value, taken over one period, of the instantaneous power
[IEV 131-03-18]
NOTE The active input power is the active power measured at the input supply terminals of the equipment under
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 19 –
balanced three-phase equipment
equipment having rated line current modules which differ by no more than 20 %
professional equipment
equipment for use in trades, professions, or industries and which is not intended for sale to the
general public. The designation shall be specified by the manufacturer
total harmonic current
total r.m.s. value of the harmonic current components of orders 2 to 40
total harmonic current = Σ=
built-in dimmer
dimmer, including the user control, which is entirely contained within the enclosure of a
partial odd harmonic current
total r.m.s. value of the odd harmonic current components of orders 21 to 39
partial odd harmonic current = Σ
lighting equipment
equipment with a primary function of generating and/or regulating and/or distributing optical
radiation by means of incandescent lamps, discharge lamps or LED's
Included are:
– lamps and luminaires;
– the lighting part of multi-function equipment where one of the primary functions of this is
– independent ballasts for discharge lamps and independent incandescent lamp
– ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation equipment;
– illuminated advertising signs;
– dimmers for lamps other than incandescent.
Excluded are:
– lighting devices built in equipment with another primary purpose such as photocopiers,
overhead projectors and slide projectors or employed for scale illuminating or indication
– dimmers for incandescent lamps.
stand-by mode
non-operational, low power consumption mode (usually indicated in some way on the
equipment) that can persist for an indefinite time
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 21 –
4 General
The objective of this standard is to set limits for harmonic emissions of equipment within its
scope, so that, with due allowance for the emissions from other equipment, compliance with
the limits ensures that harmonic disturbance levels do not exceed the compatibility levels
defined in IEC 61000-2-2.
Professional equipment that does not comply with the requirements of this standard may be
permitted to be connected to certain types of low voltage supplies, if the instruction manual
contains a requirement to ask the supply utility for permission to connect. Recommendations
concerning this aspect are contained in IEC/TS 61000-3-4 or IEC 61000-3-12.
5 Classification of equipment
For the purpose of harmonic current limitation, equipment is classified as follows:
Class A:
– balanced three-phase equipment;
– household appliances, excluding equipment identified as class D;
– tools, excluding portable tools;
– dimmers for incandescent lamps;
– audio equipment.
Equipment not specified in one of the three other classes shall be considered as class A
NOTE 1 Equipment that can be shown to have a significant effect on the supply system may be reclassified in a
future edition of the standard. Factors to be taken into account include:
– number of pieces of equipment in use;
– duration of use;
– simultaneity of use;
– power consumption;
– harmonic spectrum, including phase.
Class B:
– portable tools;
– arc welding equipment which is not professional equipment.
Class C:
– lighting equipment.
Class D:
Equipment having a specified power according to 6.2.2 less than or equal to 600 W, of the
following types:
– personal computers and personal computer monitors;
– television receivers.
NOTE 2 Class D limits are reserved for equipment that, by virtue of the factors listed in note 1, can be shown to
have a pronounced effect on the public electricity supply system.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 23 –
6 General requirements
The following restrictions apply even to equipment to which no harmonic current limits apply as
defined in Clause 7.
The requirements and limits specified in this clause are applicable to the power input terminals
of equipment intended to be connected to 220/380 V, 230/400 V and 240/415 V systems
operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Requirements and limits for other cases are not yet considered.
6.1 Control methods
Asymmetrical controls according to IEV 161-07-12 and half wave rectification directly on the
mains supply may only be used in the following circumstances:
a) where they are the only practical solution permitting the detection of unsafe conditions, or
b) where the controlled active input power is less or equal to 100 W, or
c) where the controlled appliance is a portable equipment fitted with a two-core flexible cord
and is intended for use for a short period of time, i.e. for a few minutes only.
If one of these three conditions is fulfilled, half wave rectification may be used for any purpose,
whereas asymmetrical controls may only be used for the control of motors.
NOTE Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, hair dryers, electrical kitchen appliances and portable tools.
Symmetrical control methods which are prone to produce harmonics of low order (n ≤ 40) in the
input current may be used for the control of the power supplied to heating elements provided
that the full sine-wave input power is less than or equal to 200 W, or that the limits of Table 3
are not exceeded.
Such symmetrical control methods are also allowed for professional equipment provided that
a) one of the above conditions are fulfilled, or
b) the relevant limits are not exceeded when tested at the supply input terminals and in
addition both the following conditions are fulfilled:
1) it is necessary to control precisely the temperature of a heater whose thermal time
constant is less than 2 s, and
2) there is no other technique economically available.
Professional equipment whose primary purpose, considered as a whole, is not for heating, shall
be tested against the relevant limits.
NOTE 1 An example of a product whose primary purpose is not heating is a photocopier, whereas a cooker is
considered to have heating as its primary purpose.
Domestic equipment with symmetrical control used for a short time (for example hair dryers)
shall be tested under Class A.
Even though asymmetrical controls and half-wave rectification are permitted under the
conditions given above, the equipment shall still comply with the harmonic requirements of this
NOTE 2 The use of asymmetrical controls and half-wave rectification is allowed in the above circumstances;
however, in case of fault, the d.c. component of the supplied current may disturb certain types of protection
devices. In the same way, this may also happen with the use of symmetrical controls.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 25 –
6.2 Harmonic current measurement
6.2.1 Test configuration
Specific test conditions for the measurement of harmonic currents associated with some types
of equipment are given in Annex C.
For equipment not mentioned in Annex C, emission tests shall be conducted with the user's
operation controls or automatic programs set to the mode expected to produce the maximum
total harmonic current (THC) under normal operating conditions. This defines the equipment
set-up during emission tests and not a requirement to measure THC or to conduct searches for
worst-case emissions.
The harmonic current limits specified in Clause 7 apply to line currents and not to currents in
the neutral conductor. Nevertheless, for single-phase equipment, it is permissible to measure
the currents in the neutral conductor instead of the currents in the line.
The equipment is tested as presented by, and in accordance with information provided by, the
manufacturer. Preliminary operation of motor drives by the manufacturer may be needed
before the test are undertaken to ensure that results correspond with normal use.
6.2.2 Measurement procedure
The test shall be conducted according to the general requirements given in 6.2.3. The test
duration shall be as defined in 6.2.4.
The measurement of harmonic currents shall be performed as follows:
– for each harmonic order, measure the 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. harmonic current in each DFT
time window as defined in Annex B;
– calculate the arithmetic average of the measured values from the DFT time windows, over
the entire observation period as defined in 6.2.4.
The value of the input power to be used for the calculation of limits shall be determined as
– measure the 1,5 s smoothed active input power in each DFT time window;
– determine the maximum of the measured values of power from the DFT time windows over
the entire duration of the test.
NOTE The active input power supplied to the smoothing section of the measuring instrument as defined in
Annex B is the active input power in each DFT time window.
The harmonic currents and the active input power shall be measured under the same test
conditions but need not be measured simultaneously.
The value of the power, measured as defined in this clause, shall be specified by the
manufacturer and documented in the test report. This value shall be used for establishing limits
during emissions tests when limits are specified in terms of power. In order not to specify a
power at which limits change abruptly, thus giving rise to doubt as to which limits apply, the
manufacturer may specify any value which is within ±10 % of the actual measured value.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 27 –
The value of the power found by measurement during emission tests other than the original
manufacturer’s conformity assessment test, measured according to the terms of this clause,
shall not be less than 90 % nor greater than 110 % of the value for power specified by the
manufacturer in the test report (see In the event that the measured value is outside of
this tolerance band around the specified value, the measured power shall be used to establish
the limits.
For class C equipment, the fundamental current and power factor, specified by the
manufacturer, shall be used for the calculation of limits (see 3.12). The fundamental
component of the current and the power factor are measured and specified by the
manufacturer in the same way as the power is measured and specified for the calculation of
class D limits. The value used for the power factor shall be obtained from the same DFT
measurement window as the value for the fundamental component of current.
6.2.3 General requirements Repeatability
The repeatability of the measurements shall be better than ±5 %, when the following conditions
are met:
– the same equipment under test (EUT) (not another of the same type, however similar it may be);
– identical test conditions;
– the same test system;
– identical climatic conditions, if relevant. Starting and stopping
When a piece of equipment is brought into operation or is taken out of operation, manually or
automatically, harmonic currents and power are not taken into account for the first 10 s
following the switching event.
The equipment under test shall not be in stand-by mode (see 3.20) for more than 10 % of any
observation period. Application of limits
The average values for the individual harmonic currents, taken over the entire test observation
period shall be less than or equal to the applicable limits.
For each harmonic order, all 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. harmonic current values, as defined in
6.2.2, shall be either:
a) less than or equal to 150 % of the applicable limits, or
b) less than or equal to 200 % of the applicable limits under the following conditions, which
apply all together:
1) the EUT belongs to Class A for harmonics;
2) the excursion beyond 150 % of the applicable limits lasts less than 10 % of the test
observation period or in total 10 min (within the test observation period), whichever is
smaller, and
3) the average value of the harmonic current, taken over the entire test observation
period, is less than 90 % of the applicable limits.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 29 –
Harmonic currents less than 0,6 % of the input current measured under the test conditions, or
less than 5 mA, whichever is greater, are disregarded.
For the 21st and higher odd order harmonics, the average value obtained for each individual
odd harmonic over the full observation period, calculated from the 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. values
according to 6.2.2, may exceed the applicable limits by 50 % provided that the following
conditions are met:
• the measured partial odd harmonic current does not exceed the partial odd harmonic
current which can be calculated from the applicable limits;
• all 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. individual harmonic current values shall be less than or equal to
150 % of the applicable limits.
NOTE These exemptions (the use of the partial odd harmonic current for the average values and the 200 % short
term limit for single 1,5 s smoothed values) are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together. Test report
The test report may be based on information supplied by the manufacturer to a testing facility,
or be a document recording details of the manufacturer’s own tests. It shall include all relevant
information for the test conditions, the test observation period, and, when applicable for
establishing the limits, the active power or fundamental current and power factor.
6.2.4 Test observation period
Observation periods (Tobs) for four different types of equipment behaviour are considered and
described in Table 4.
6.3 Equipment in a rack or case
Where individual self-contained items of equipment are installed in a rack or case, they are
regarded as being individually connected to the mains supply. The rack or case need not be
tested as a whole.
7 Harmonic current limits
The procedure for applying the limits and assessing the results is shown in Figure 1.
For the following categories of equipment, limits are not specified in this standard:
NOTE 1 Limits may be defined in a future amendment or revision of the standard.
– equipment with a rated power of 75 W or less, other than lighting equipment;
NOTE 2 This value may be reduced from 75 W to 50 W in the future, subject to approval by National Committees
at that time.
– professional equipment with a total rated power greater than 1 kW;
– symmetrically controlled heating elements with a rated power less than or equal to 200 W;
– independent dimmers for incandescent lamps with a rated power less than or equal to
1 kW.
NOTE 3 See also C.5.3.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 31 –
Start here:
determine class
(clause 5)
Uses techniques
not allowed by
6.1 ?
Belongs to
exceptions of
clause 7 or
annex C ?
Test conditions
defined in C.2 and
onwards ?
Use the ˝generic˝
conditions in 6.2.1
Apply those
Relevant limits
met ?
equipment ?
Does not conform
with 61000-3-2
equipment ? See clause 4
Does not conform
to 61000-3-2
Conforms to
Conforms to
See clause 4
Yes Yes
IEC 1412/01
Figure 1 – Flowchart for determining conformity
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 33 –
7.1 Limits for Class A equipment
For Class A equipment, the harmonics of the input current shall not exceed the values given in
Table 1.
Audio amplifiers shall be tested according to Clause C.3. Dimmers for incandescent lamps
shall be tested according to Clause C.6.
7.2 Limits for Class B equipment
For Class B equipment, the harmonics of the input current shall not exceed the values given in
Table 1 multiplied by a factor of 1,5.
7.3 Limits for Class C equipment
a) Active input power >25 W
For lighting equipment having an active input power greater than 25 W, the harmonic
currents shall not exceed the relative limits given in Table 2.
However, the limits given in Table 1 apply to incandescent lighting equipment that has builtin
dimmers or consists of dimmers built in an enclosure.
For discharge lighting equipment that has built-in dimmers or consists of independent
dimmers or dimmers built in an enclosure, the following conditions apply:
– the harmonic current values for the maximum load condition derived from the
percentage limits given in Table 2 shall not be exceeded;
– in any dimming position, the harmonic current shall not exceed the value of current
allowed in the maximum load condition;
– the equipment shall be tested according to the conditions given in C.5.
b) Active input power ≤25 W
Discharge lighting equipment having an active input power smaller than or equal to 25 W
shall comply with one of the following two sets of requirements:
– the harmonic currents shall not exceed the power-related limits of Table 3, column 2, or:
– the third harmonic current, expressed as a percentage of the fundamental current, shall not
exceed 86 % and the fifth shall not exceed 61 %; moreover, the waveform of the input
current shall be such that it begins to flow before or at 60°, has its last peak (if there are
several peaks per half period) before or at 65° and does not stop flowing before 90°, where
the zero crossing of the fundamental supply voltage is assumed to be at 0°.
If the discharge lighting equipment has a built-in dimming device, measurement is made
only in the full load condition.
7.4 Limits for Class D equipment
For Class D equipment, the harmonic currents and the power shall be measured as defined
in 6.2.2. The input currents at harmonic frequencies shall not exceed the values that can be
derived from Table 3 according to the requirements specified in 6.2.3 and 6.2.4.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 35 –
Table 1 – Limits for Class A equipment
Harmonic order
Maximum permissible
harmonic current
Odd harmonics
3 2,30
5 1,14
7 0,77
9 0,40
11 0,33
13 0,21
15 ≤ n ≤ 39 0,15 15
Even harmonics
2 1,08
4 0,43
6 0,30
8 ≤ n ≤ 40 0,23 8n
Table 2 – Limits for Class C equipment
Harmonic order
Maximum permissible harmonic currrent
expressed as a percentage of the input
current at the fundamental frequency
2 2
3 30 ⋅ λ *
5 10
7 7
9 5
11 ≤ n ≤ 39
(odd harmonics only)
* λ is the circuit power factor
Table 3 – Limits for Class D equipment
Harmonic order
Maximum permissible
harmonic current
per watt
Maximum permissible
harmonic current
3 3,4 2,30
5 1,9 1,14
7 1,0 0,77
9 0,5 0,40
11 0,35 0,33
13 ≤ n ≤ 39
(odd harmonics only)
n See Table 1
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 37 –
Table 4 – Test observation period
Type of equipment behaviour Observation period
Quasi-stationary Tobs of sufficient duration to meet the requirements for repeatability in
Short cyclic (Tcycle ≤ 2,5 min) Tobs ≥ 10 cycles (reference method) or Tobs of sufficient duration or
synchronisation to meet the requirements for repeatability in a
Random Tobs of sufficient duration to meet the requirements for repeatability in
Long cyclic (Tcycle > 2,5 min) Full equipment program cycle (reference method) or a representative 2,5 min
period considered by the manufacturer as the operating period with the
highest THC
a By 'synchronization' is meant that the total observation period is sufficiently close to including an exact integral
number of equipment cycles such that the requirements for repeatability in are met.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 39 –
Annex A
Measurement circuit and supply source
A.1 Test circuit
The measured harmonic values shall be compared with the limits given in Clause 7. The
harmonic currents of the equipment under test (EUT) shall be measured in accordance with the
circuits given in the following figures:
– Figure A.1 for single-phase equipment;
– Figure A.2 for three-phase equipment.
Measurement equipment complying with Annex B shall be used. Test conditions for the EUT
are given in Annex C.
A.2 Supply source
While the measurements are being made, the test voltage (U) at the terminals of the
equipment under test, when operated according to Annex C, shall meet the following
a) The test voltage (U) shall be the rated voltage of the equipment. In the case of a voltage
range, the test voltage shall be 230 V or 400 V for single-phase or three-phase supplies
respectively. The test voltage shall be maintained within ±2,0 % and the frequency within
±0,5 % of the nominal value.
b) In the case of a three-phase supply, the angle between the fundamental voltage on each
pair of phases of a three-phase source shall be 120° ± 1,5°.
c) The harmonic ratios of the test voltage (U) shall not exceed the following values with the
EUT connected as in normal operation:
0,9 % for harmonic of order 3;
0,4 % for harmonic of order 5;
0,3 % for harmonic of order 7;
0,2 % for harmonic of order 9;
0,2 % for even harmonics of order from 2 to 10;
0,1 % for harmonics of order from 11 to 40.
d) The peak value of the test voltage shall be within 1,40 and 1,42 times its r.m.s. value and
shall be reached within 87° to 93° after the zero crossing. This requirement does not apply
when Class A or B equipment is tested.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 41 –
S power supply source ZM input impedance of measurement equipment
M measurement equipment ZS internal impedance of the supply source
EUT equipment under test In harmonic component of order n of the line current
U test voltage G open-loop voltage of the supply source
NOTE 1 ZS and ZM are not specified, but have to be sufficiently low to suit the test requirements. For the value of
ZM, see Annex B.
NOTE 2 In some special cases, particular care may be necessary to avoid resonance between the internal
inductance of the source and the capacitances of the equipment under test.
Figure A.1 – Measurement circuit for single-phase equipment
IEC 1778/2000
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 43 –
S power supply source
M measurement equipment
EUT equipment under test
G open-loop voltage of the supply source
ZM input impedance of the measurement equipment
ZS internal impedance of the supply source
In harmonic component of order of the line current
U test voltage (shown as an example between phases L1 and L2)
NOTE 1 ZM and ZS are not specified, but have to be sufficiently low to suit the test requirements. For the value of
ZM, see Annex B.
NOTE 2 In some special cases, particular care may be necessary to avoid resonance between the internal
inductance of the source and the capacitances of the equipment under test.
Figure A.2 – Measurement circuit for three-phase equipment
IEC 1779/2000
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 45 –
Annex B
Requirements for measurement equipment
The requirements for measurement equipment are defined in IEC 61000-4-7.
NOTE IEC 61000-4-7 does not explicitly define "1,5 s smoothed active input power". For the avoidance of doubt, it
is smoothed by a 1,5 s first-order low-pass filter.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 47 –
Annex C
Type test conditions
C.1 General
The test conditions for the measurement of harmonic currents associated with some types of
equipment are given in the following clauses.
C.2 Test conditions for television (TV) receivers
C.2.1 General conditions
Measurements shall include the loading of any auxiliary circuits included in the receiver, but
exclude the loading of any peripheral equipment powered from the receiver.
C.2.2 Conditions for measurement
A radio-frequency signal modulated in accordance with C.2.2.1 shall be supplied by a test
generator, and the receiver shall be adjusted to display a picture with appropriate settings for
brightness, contrast and sound level in accordance with C.2.2.2.
C.2.2.1 The TV receiver is fed by an r.f. TV input signal with a level of 65 dB(μV) across
75 Ω and with the following test modulations.
a) Color television
Radio-frequency signal: a full TV signal with modulated picture chrominance and sound
– the sound modulation factor is 54 % at 1 000 Hz;
– the picture modulation content is a color bar test pattern according to Recommendation
ITU-R BT.471-1:
• 100 % reference white level bar;
• 0 % reference black level bar;
• 75 % amplitude (reference made to the white level); and
• 100 % saturation.
b) Monochrome television
Radio-frequency signal: a full TV signal with modulated picture and sound carrier:
– sound modulation: see item a) above;
– the picture modulation is a monochrome test pattern with a black and white level
according to item a) and an average overall picture content of 50 % of the reference
white level.
C.2.2.2 The receiver shall be tuned according to IEC 60107-1.
The white reference level corresponds to 80 cd/m2 and the black level to less than 2 cd/m2.
The magenta bar corresponds to 30 cd/m2.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 49 –
The volume control is set in such a manner that one-eighth of rated output power is obtained,
measured at the loudspeaker terminals, at a frequency of 1 000 Hz. In the case of stereophonic
equipment, this output shall be present at both outputs.
NOTE For devices that operate on base-band signals, suitable video and audio input signals should be used, and
the same settings made for brightness, contrast and volume controls.
C.3 Test conditions for audio amplifiers
Audio amplifiers which draw a supply current which varies by less than 15 % of the maximum
current with input signals between no signal and rated source e.m.f. (as defined in IEC 60268-3)
shall be tested with no input signal.
Other audio amplifiers shall be tested under the following conditions:
– rated supply voltage;
– normal position of user controls. In particular, any controls affecting the frequency response
shall be set to give the widest flat response achievable;
– input signals and load conditions as given in 4.2.4 of IEC 60065.
C.4 Test conditions for video-cassette recorders
Measurements shall be made in the playback mode with the standard tape speed.
C.5 Test conditions for lighting equipment
C.5.1 General conditions
Measurements shall be made in a draught-free atmosphere and at an ambient temperature
within the range from 20 °C to 27 °C. During measurement the temperature shall not vary by
more than 1 K.
C.5.2 Lamps
Lamps shall be aged for at least 100 h at rated voltage. They shall be operated for at least
15 min before a series of measurements is made. During ageing and measurement, lamps
shall be installed as in normal use.
NOTE Some lamp types may require a stabilizing period exceeding 15 min. Information given in the relevant lamp
specification must be observed.
C.5.3 Luminaires
The luminaire is measured as manufactured. It shall be tested with reference lamps, or with
lamps having electrical characteristics close to their nominal values. In case of doubt
measurements are made with reference lamps. When the luminaire incorporates more than
one lamp, all lamps are connected and operated during the test. When the luminaire is
assigned for use with more than one type of lamp, measurements shall be made with all the
types and the luminaire shall comply each time. In the case where the luminaire is equipped
with a glow starter, a starter in accordance with IEC 60155, shall be used.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 51 –
Incandescent lamp luminaires which do not incorporate an electronic transformer or a dimming
device are deemed to fulfil the harmonic current requirements and need not be tested.
If separate tests with reference lamps have proved that ballasts for fluorescent or other
discharge lamps or step-down converters for tungsten halogen or other filament lamps, comply
with the requirements, the luminaire is deemed to comply with these requirements and need
not be checked. Where these components have not been approved separately, or do not
comply, the luminaire itself shall be tested and shall comply.
If a luminaire has a built-in dimming device, the harmonic currents shall be measured at the
maximum load of the lamps as specified by the manufacturer. The setting of the dimming
device is varied in five equidistant steps between the minimum and the maximum power in
order to obtain comprehensive results.
C.5.4 Ballasts and step-down converters
Ballast for fluorescent or other discharge lamps or step-down converters for tungsten halogen
or other filament lamps shall be tested with reference lamps, or with lamps having electrical
characteristics close to their nominal values. In case of doubt, measurements are made with
reference lamps.
In the case where a ballast can be used, with or without a series capacitor, or where a ballast
or step-down converter is designed for several types of lamps, the manufacturer shall indicate
in his catalogue for which type of circuit and lamps the ballast fulfils the harmonic
requirements, and the ballast shall be tested accordingly.
C.6 Test conditions for independent and built-in incandescent lamp dimmers
The dimmer is tested with incandescent lamps having the maximum power allowed for the
dimmer. The control is set to firing-angle of 90° ± 5°, or if controlled by steps, to that step
closest to 90°.
C.7 Test conditions for vacuum cleaners
The air inlet of the vacuum cleaner is adjusted according to normal operation as defined in
IEC 60335-2-2.
During the test observation period, which shall not be shorter than 6 min, vacuum cleaners with
electronic control are tested in three modes of operation, each for an identical time interval,
with the control adjusted:
– to maximum input power,
– to a firing-angle of 90° ± 5°, or, if controlled by steps, to that step closest to 90°,
– and to minimum input power.
NOTE Alternatively, the equipment may be tested for 3 identical time intervals – each at least 2 min long – during
which the vacuum cleaner is operated in the above three modes. These 3 time intervals need not be consecutive,
but the application of limits is done as if the intervals were consecutive, without taking into account harmonic
current values outside these 3 intervals.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 53 –
If the vacuum cleaner includes a control to select a temporary high-power ('booster') mode of
operation, which automatically returns to a lower power mode, this high-power mode is not
considered for the calculation of the average values. This mode shall be tested only against the
limits for single 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. values (see
C.8 Test conditions for washing machines
The washing machine shall be tested during a complete laundry program incorporating the
normal wash-cycle filled with the rated load of double hemmed, pre-washed cotton cloths, size
approximately 70 cm × 70 cm, dry weight from 140 g/m2 to 175 g/m2.
The temperature of the fill water shall be:
– 65 °C ± 5 °C for washing machines without heater elements;
– 15 °C ± 5 °C for other washing machines.
For washing machines with a programmer, the 60 °C cotton program without pre-wash shall be
If the washing machine does not incorporate a programmer, the water is heated to
90 °C ± 5 °C or lower if steady conditions are established, before starting the first wash period.
C.9 Test conditions for microwave ovens
The microwave oven is tested with 100 % nominal power. It is operated with a potable water
load of initially 1 000 g ± 50 g in a cylindrical borosilicate glass vessel, having a maximum
material thickness of 3 mm and an outside diameter of approximately 190 mm. The load is
placed at the centre of the shelf.
C.10 Test conditions for information technology equipment (ITE)
ITE is tested with the equipment configured to its rated current. In this case, the equipment, if
necessary, may be configured with its power supplies loaded with additional load (resistive)
boards to simulate rated current conditions.
For ITE systems designed for use with a manufacturer-supplied power distribution system, e.g.
transformers, UPS, power conditioner, etc., compliance with the limits of this standard shall be
met at the input to the power distribution system.
C.11 Test conditions for induction hobs
Induction hobs are operated with an enamelled steel pan which contains approximately half its
capacity of water at room temperature, and positioned at the centre of each cooking zone, in
turn. Thermal controls are adjusted to their highest setting.
The diameter of the base of the pan is to be at least the diameter of the cooking zone. The
smallest pan complying with this requirement is used. The maximum concavity of the base of
the pan is 3D/1 000 where D is the diameter of the flat area of the base of the pan. The base of
the pan is not to be convex.
The concavity is checked at room temperature using an empty pan.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 55 –
C.12 Test conditions for air conditioners
If the input power of the air conditioner is controlled by an electronic device so that the
revolution speed of the fan or compressor motor is changed in order to get the suitable air
temperature, the harmonic currents are measured after the operation becomes steady-state
under the following conditions:
– The temperature control shall be set to the lowest value in the cooling mode and to the
highest value in the heating mode.
– The ambient temperature for testing shall be 30 °C ± 2 °C in the cooling mode, and
15 °C ± 2 °C in the heating mode. If in the heating mode the rated input power is reached at
a higher temperature, the air conditioner shall be tested at this ambient temperature but no
higher than 18 °C. The ambient temperature is defined as the temperature of the air inhaled
from the indoor and from the outdoor unit of appliance.
If the heat is not exchanged to the ambient air but to another medium for example water, all
settings and temperatures shall be chosen so that the appliance is operated with the rated
input power.
If the air conditioner does not contain power electronic elements (e.g. diodes, dimmers,
thyristors, etc.), it need not be tested against harmonic current limits.
C.13 Test conditions for kitchen machines as defined in IEC 60335-2-14
Kitchen machines as listed in the scope of IEC 60335-2-14 are deemed to conform to the
harmonic current limits of this standard without further testing
C.14 Test conditions for arc welding equipment which is not professional
The arc welding power source is connected to a conventional load, which is adjusted in
accordance with Table C1. The equipment is tested at the load current given by the maximum
size of the rated electrode as specified by the manufacturer.
Table C.1 – Conventional load for arc welding equipment tests
Rated electrode diameter
Load current*
Load voltage
1,6 40 19,6
2 55 20,2
2,5 80 21,2
3,15 115 22,6
4 160 24,4
* Interpolation is allowed.
61000-3-2  IEC:2005 – 57 –
C.15 Test conditions for other equipment
Test conditions for other equipment will be given as required.
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ICS 33.100.10
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