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IEC 62368-1 Edition No. 2 Draft Is Released 终于出来了

发表于 2013-12-13 10:24:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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IEC 62368-1 Edition No. 2 Draft Is Released


The First Draft International Standard (FDIS) for Edition 2.0 of IEC 62368-1 was published last month. The FDIS is the final voting stage before a standard is released as an International Standard (IS).

IEC 62368-1 is a hazard-based, performance-oriented standard for IT equipment and A/V equipment, intended to replace IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60065.  Read about why these standards are being phased out.

Now that Edition 2 is published, the National Committees (NCs) involved in IEC TC108 will be reviewing and voting on the document.  The voting period deadline is January 10, 2014.

If the vote is successful as expected, the IS will be issued as IEC 62368-1, Edition No. 2 sometime in March or April timeframe. Edition No. 2 is expected to get much wider global adoption than Edition No. 1, which wasn’t accepted in Europe or Asia.

In the U.S. & Canada, the 62368-1 Technical Harmonization Committee (THC) is finalizing proposed content, including national differences, of the next CSA/UL 62368-1 based on Edition 2.0. These national versions have a target publication of 3rd Quarter 2014.


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