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关于CISPR 32

发表于 2014-5-27 16:37:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Reference CISPR 32 ed1.0 withdrawn corrigendum  
Title Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements  
Publication date 2012-01-30
Abstract CISPR 32:2012 International Standard applies to multimedia equipment (MME) having a rated r.m.s. AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V. Equipment within the scope of CISPR 13 or CISPR 22 is within the scope of this publication. MME intended primarily for professional use is within the scope of this publication. The radiated emission requirements in this standard are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU, nor to any spurious emissions related to these intentional transmissions. Equipment, for which emission requirements in the frequency range covered by this publication are explicitly formulated in other CISPR publications (except CISPR 13 and CISPR 22), are excluded from the scope of this publication. This document does not contain requirements for in-situ assessment. Such testing is outside the scope of this publication and may not be used to demonstrate compliance with it. This publication covers two classes of MME (Class A and Class B). The objectives of this publication are to establish requirements which provide an adequate level of protection of the radio spectrum, allowing radio services to operate as intended in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz and to specify procedures to ensure the reproducibility of measurement and the repeatability of results. The contents of corrigendum of March 2012 and August 2012 have been included in this copy.
欧洲EMC OJ 2014-053部分.JPG


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