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广东某大型公司,年薪60-70万 急招EMC负责人

发表于 2016-12-13 11:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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岗位职责 Job Responsibility:
1. 负责公司EMC技术研发,制定产品设计解决方案。
Plan Group’s EMC technology development and generate product design solutions.
2. 针对不同产品制定EMC设计标准。监督促进家电产品研发过程中严格按照EMC规格进行设计。
Create EMC design standards of different kinds of products. Promote compliance with EMC design specifications in the development of home appliance.
3. 通过理论数值计算或仿真实验分析并解决产品设计过程中出现的EMC问题,为其它业务部门提供产品EMC整改上的技术指导和支持。
Analyze and solve product design EMC problems with emulation or theoretical calculation. Provide guidance and support for product EMC defects of each department.
4. 提供行业内具备竞争力的产品解决方案。
Offer competitive solutions in the industry.
5. 分析EMC核心技术要求。制定EMC相关的电子产品采购及检验标准。
Analyze EMC central component characteristics. Set procurement and inspection criteria for relevant EMC. electronic components.
6. 组建并管理相关的技术人员团队。
Develop and build a top-notch talent team.

岗位要求 Job Request:
1. 硕士学历或以上,通信工程、无线电传播、电子、自动化等专业毕业。
Master degree and above. Major in communication, radio, electronic and automation.
2. 8年以上产品EMC设计、整改工作经验。有家用电器行业工作经历优先考虑。
At least 8 years’ experience in product EMC design and rectification. Home appliance industry background is preferred.
3. 精通数字、模拟电路、控制原理、电波通讯等专业知识。
Good command of professional knowledge in digital circuit, analog circuitry, control principle, or electromagnetic wave, communication.
4. 能精确把握行业的发展方向。具备掌控全局的能力和长远的战略眼光。
Accurate grasp of industry development trend. Strategic insight and global processing.




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