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ICES-002 2017 Vehicles, Boats and Other Devices Propelled by an Internal

发表于 2017-3-2 10:34:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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ICES-002 — Vehicles, Boats and Other Devices Propelled by an Internal Combustion Engine, Electrical Means or BothPreface
This Interference-Causing Equipment Standard entitled ICES-002, issue 6, Vehicles, Boats and Other Devices Propelled by an Internal Combustion Engine, Electrical Means or Both, replaces ICES-002, issue 5, published in August 2009.
It should be noted that a transition period ending on the date listed below, is being provided, within which compliance with either ICES-002, issue 5, or ICES-002, issue 6, will be accepted:
  • January 1, 2017: for all vehicles, boats and other devices except those propelled by diesel engines; and
  • January 1, 2018: for vehicles, boats and other devices propelled by diesel engines ONLY.
After that date, only compliance with ICES-002, issue 6, will be accepted.
List of Changes
Inquiries may be submitted online using the General Inquiry form at www.ic.gc.ca/res_general (in the form, the Regulatory Standards Branch radio button must be selected and "ICES-002" must be specified in the General Inquiry field), or sent by mail to the following address:
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A  0H5
Attention: Regulatory Standards Directorate
Comments and suggestions for improving this standard may be submitted online using the Standard Change Requestform at www.ic.gc.ca/res_change, or by mail to the above address.
All Spectrum Management and Telecommunications publications are available on the following website: http://www.ic.gc.ca/spectrum.
Issued under the authority of
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Martin Proulx
Director General
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch

1. Scope
This Interference-Causing Equipment Standard sets out the limits and method of measurement for the radio noise produced by:
  • vehicles propelled by an internal combustion engine, electrical means or both
  • boats, which are no greater than 15 metres in length, propelled by an internal combustion engine, electrical means or both; and
  • devices equipped with internal combustion engines or traction batteries.
Sections 3 to 5 apply to every vehicle, boat or device previously mentioned, other than aircraft and traction systems (railway, tramway and electric trolley bus), manufactured in or imported into Canada, except those manufactured or imported strictly for export purposes.

2. Applicability2.1 Exemptions
Sections 3 to 5 do not apply to vehicles, boats or devices used:
  • solely for demonstration and exhibition purposes; or
  • as prototype units.
2.2 Special Permission
Sections 3 to 5 do not apply to vehicles, boats or devices for which the manufacturer, importer or owner has been granted a special permission by the Minister.
The Minister may grant a special permission where:
  • the manufacturer, importer or owner has presented a written application giving:
    • the reasons for the request
    • an analysis based on sound engineering principles showing that the vehicle, boat or device will not pose a significant risk to radiocommunication and
    • a guarantee of compliance with all of the conditions that the Minister may set out in the special permission.
  • the Minister is satisfied that the vehicle, boat or device will not pose a significant risk to radiocommunication.
The special permission is valid only if the vehicle, boat or device:
  • bears a label, either affixed or displayed electronically, stating that it is operating under special permission and setting out the conditions of that special permission; and
  • complies with all conditions set out in the special permission.
The Minister may revoke or amend the special permission granted under this section at any time without prior notice.

3. Normative Reference
This standard refers to the following publication, and where such reference is made, it shall be to the edition listed below:

4. Definitions
Definitions found in this section and other definitions that are relevant to this standard may be found in the publication referred to in section 3.
Manufacturer: means the person responsible for carrying out the final assembly of, or making the last modification to, equipment before it is released to the end user.
Vehicle: machine operating on land which is intended to carry persons or goods.
Boat: vessel intended to be used on the surface of water, its length being no greater than 15 metres.
Device: machine driven by an internal combustion engine or traction batteries which is not primarily intended to carry persons or goods.
Traction batteries: high-power batteries used for electric vehicle traction applications.

5. Requirements5.1 Instrumentation
Instrumentation shall be in accordance with the standard (CAN/CSA-CISPR 12-10) referred to in section 3.
5.2 Method of Measurement
The method of measurement shall be in accordance with the standard (CAN/CSA-CISPR 12-10) referred to in section 3.
However, the test conditions described in the first paragraph of section 5.3.3 of the referenced publication may be replaced by the test conditions identified in the following paragraph if it is impractical to perform measurements under normal full load speed.
For devices, measurements shall be made in normal operating position(s) and height(s), at 1500/2500 rpm or at full speed for devices such as generators and pumps, including without load at idle speed. Where practical, the device under test shall be measured in three orthogonal planes.
5.3 Limits
The limits are as specified in the standard (CAN/CSA-CISPR 12-10) referred to in section 3.
5.4 Test Report
A test report shall be compiled providing a record of the tests and results demonstrating compliance with this standard's technical requirements. The test report shall indicate the date that the tests were completed. The test report contents shall be in accordance with the referenced standard (CAN/CSA-CISPR 12-10) in section 3.
The test report shall be retained by the manufacturer or importer for a minimum period of five years from the date that the model of the vehicle, boat or device is first offered for sale, distributed and/or leased in Canada, and shall be made available to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada upon request.
5.5 Labelling
The manufacturer, importer or supplier shall meet the labelling requirements set out in this section and in Notice 2014 — DRS1003 for electronic labelling for every unit.Footnote1
  • prior to marketing in Canada, for each vehicle, boat or device manufactured in Canada; and
  • prior to importation into Canada, for each imported vehicle, boat or device.
Each vehicle, boat or device propelled by an internal combustion engine, electrical means or both shall bear a label that represents the manufacturer's or importer's Self-Declaration of Compliance (SDoC) to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ICES-002. This label shall be permanently affixed to the vehicle, boat or device propelled by an internal combustion engine, electrical means or both or displayed electronically and its text must be clearly legible. If the dimensions of the device are too small or it is not practical to place the label on the vehicle, boat or device propelled by an internal combustion engine, electrical means or both and e-labelling has not been implemented, the label shall be, upon agreement with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, placed in a prominent location in the user manual supplied with the vehicle, boat or device propelled by an internal combustion engine, electrical means or both. The user manual may be in an electronic format and must be readily available.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ICES-002 Compliance Label: CAN ICES-2/NMB-2
FootnotesFootnote 1
The labelling requirements apply to new models. Existing models may continue to reflect the requirements set out in issue 5 of ICES-002 or the requirements in issue 6.


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