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发表于 2007-5-30 13:38:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  EN 55022:2006 版已於2006 年12 月21 日在OJ 上公告,截至目前共有三個EN 55022 版本,以下為各版本之強制使用日期與適用期,以及三者之間的主要差異比較表。
   EN 55022:2006     EN 55022:1998+A1 2000+A2 2003     EN 55022:1994+A1 1995+A2 1997
強制日期(DOW)     2009-10-1     2007-8-1     1998-12-31
適用期間    2007-4-1 為轉換成歐盟各會員國之國家標準的最後期限。銷歐產品可以開始採用此標準。    此版本可適用至2009-10-1     此版本可適用至2007-8-1
主要差異說明A:一般測試條件    此版本之一般測試條件,加入了對外接式電源供應器的佈置說明。    N/A     N/A
B:電源端傳導擾動(Conducted disturbance at mains terminals)     無差異    無差異    無差異
C:電信埠擾動(Conducted disturbance at telecommunication ports)     量測用設備 (ISN), 其縱向轉換損失(LCL) 的要求與EN 55022:1998+A1+A2 不同。    有電信埠擾動測試    無此項目測試要求
D:輻射擾動(Radiated disturbance)     取消Radiation test 中,針對會連接至測試區外的Cable 上的ferrite clamps 。    Radiation test 中,針對會連接至測試區外的Cable 必須加上ferrite clamps 。    Radiation test 無須加上ferrite clamps 。

 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-30 13:40:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-30 14:57:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 10:03:42 | 显示全部楼层
电信端口扰动(Conducted disturbance at telecommunication ports)
1.EN 55022:1994+A1 1995+A2 1997版不需要测试ISN
2.EN 55022:1998+A12000+A2 2003 需要测试ISN,对于class B类设备的产品在测试ISN 时,6 MHz to 30 MHz要放宽10 dB.  
1) ISN for method of conformance alternative 1
The longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) shall be:
150 kHz to 1,5 MHz: 80 dB ± 3 dB;
1,5 MHz to 30 MHz: (80 dB to 55 dB) ± 3 dB, decreasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency.
2) ISN for method of conformance alternative 2, ports for category 3 cables
The longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) shall be:
150 kHz to 1,5 MHz: 50 dB ± 3 dB;
1,5 MHz to 30 MHz: (50 dB to 25 dB) ± 3 dB, decreasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency.
3) ISN for method of conformance alternative 2, ports for category 5 cables
The longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) shall be:
150 kHz to 1,5 MHz: 60 dB ± 3 dB;
1,5 MHz to 30 MHz: (60 dB to 35 dB) ± 3 dB, decreasing linearly with the logarithm of the frequency.

3.EN 55022:2006需要测试ISN,对于class B类设备的产品在测试ISN 时,6 MHz to 30 MHz取消了要放宽10 dB.
1) ISN for measurements at ports intended for connection to category 6 (or better) unscreened balanced pair cables.
The variation of the longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) with frequency f (MHz) shall be defined by the following equation:
LCL(dB)=75-10㏒10[1+(f/5)2] dB
(3 dB for f < 2 MHz, −3 dB/+6 dB for f between 2 MHz and 30 MHz)

2) ISN for measurements at ports intended for connection to category 5 (or better) unscreened balanced pair cables.
The variation of the longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) with frequency f (MHz) shall be defined by the following equation:
LCL(dB)=65-10㏒10[1+(f/5)2] dB
(3 dB for f < 2 MHz, −3 dB/+4,5 dB for f between 2 MHz and 30 MHz)

3) ISN for measurements at ports intended for connection to category 3 (or better) unscreened balanced cables.
The variation of the longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) with frequency f (MHz) shall be defined by the following equation:
LCL(dB)=55-10㏒10[1+(f/5)2] dB   (3 dB)
发表于 2007-6-20 09:51:24 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.ccsa.org.cn/article_n ... 7-7d72-4446da6a2475
发表于 2007-6-20 14:40:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-20 23:36:01 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-20 23:39:59 | 显示全部楼层
a) If the mains input cable of the external power supply unit is greater than 0,8 m, the external power supply unit shall be placed on the tabletop, with a nominal 0,1 m separation from the host unit.
b) If the external power supply unit has a mains input cable that is less than 0,8 m, the external power supply unit shall be placed at a height above the ground plane such that its power cable is fully extended in the vertical direction.
c) If the external power supply unit is incorporated into the mains power plug, it shall be placed on the tabletop. An extension cable shall be used between the external power supply unit and the source of power . The extension cable should be connected in a manner such that it takes the most direct path between the external power supply unit and the source of power.图片不便上传请见谅!
发表于 2007-6-27 13:31:54 | 显示全部楼层
好像EN55022 2006版本上下继续保持1GHz啊,没有变化
发表于 2007-6-27 17:44:01 | 显示全部楼层
请教是不是说2009-10-1 上市的带电信端子产品必须符合2006版本?


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