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  GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)与GB/T17626.2-1998(idt IEC61000-4-2:1995)两项标准差异分析报告

GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)为最新版本的国家标准,与GB/T17626.2-1998(idt IEC61000-4-2:1995)的标准主要差异如下:
1.    增加了条款7.1.3不接地的设备的试验方法
7.1.3 Test method for ungrounded equipment
The test method described in this subclause is applicable to equipment or part(s) of equipmentwhose installation specifications or design preclude connection to any grounding
system. Equipment, or parts thereof, includes portable, battery-operated and double-insulatedequipment (class II equipment).
Rationale: Ungrounded equipment, or ungrounded part(s) of equipment, cannot discharge itself similarly to class I mains-supplied equipment. If the charge is not removed before the next ESD pulse is applied, it is possible that the EUT or part(s) of the EUT be stressed up to
twice the intended test voltage. Therefore, double-insulated equipment could be charged at
an unrealistically high charge, by accumulating several ESD discharges on the capacitance ofthe class II insulation, and then discharge at the breakdown voltage of the insulation with a
much higher energy.
The general test set-up shall be identical to the ones described in 7.1.1 and 7.1.2
To simulate a single ESD event (either by air or by contact discharge), the charge on the EUT shall be removed prior to each applied ESD pulse.
The charge on the metallic point or part to which the ESD pulse is to be applied, for example,
connector shells, battery charge pins, metallic antennae, shall be removed prior to each
applied ESD test pulse.
When one or several metallic accessible parts are subject to the ESD test, the charge shall be removed from the point where the ESD pulse is to be applied, as no guarantee can be given about the resistance between this and other accessible points on the product.
A cable with 470 kΩbleeder resistors, similar to the one used with the horizontal and vertical
coupling planes, shall be used; see 7.1.
As the capacitance between EUT and HCP (table-top) and between EUT and GRP (floorstanding) is determined by the size of the EUT, the cable with bleeder resistors may remain installed during the ESD test when functionally allowed. In the discharge cable, one resistor shall be connected as close as possible, preferably less than 20 mm from the EUT test point.The second resistor shall be connected near the end of the cable attached to the HCP fortable-top equipment (see figure 8), or GRP for floor-standing equipment (see figure 9).
The presence of the cable with the bleeder resistors can influence the test results of some
equipment. In case of dispute, a test with the cable disconnected during the ESD pulse takes
precedence over the test with the cable installed during the test, provided that the charge has
sufficiently decayed between the successive discharges.
As an alternative, the following options can be used:
——the time interval between successive discharges shall be extended to the time necessary to allow natural decay of the charge from the EUT;
——a carbon fibre brush with bleeder resistors (for example, 2 470 kΩ) in the grounding cable;
an air-ionizer to speed-up the "natural" discharging process of the EUT to its environment.
The ionizer shall be turned off when applying an air-discharge test. The use of any alternative
method shall be reported in the test report.
NOTE In case of dispute concerning the charge decay, the charge on the EUT can be monitored by a noncontacting
electric field meter. When the charge has decayed below 10 % of the initial value, the EUT is considered
to be discharged.
The tip of the ESD generator shall be held normal (perpendicular) to the surface of the EUT. Table-top equipment
For table-top equipment, the EUT is placed on the horizontal coupling plane on top of the
insulating foil (0,5 mm thick), as described in 7.1.1 and figure 5.
When a metallic accessible part, to which the ESD pulse is to be applied, is available on the EUT,this part shall be connected to the HCP via the cable with bleeder resistors; see figure 8. Floor-standing equipment
Floor-standing equipment without any metallic connection to the ground reference plane shall be installed similarly to 7.1.2 and figure 6.
A cable with bleeder resistors shall be used between the metallic accessible part, to which the ESD pulse is to be applied, and the ground reference plane (GRP); see figure 9.
应使用类似于水平耦合板和垂直耦合板用的带有470 kΩ泄放电阻的电缆,见7.1。
因受试设备和水平耦合板(台式)之间以及受试设备和接地参考平面(落地式)之间的电容取决于受试设备的尺寸,静电放电试验时,如果功能允许,应安装带泄放电阻的电缆。放电电缆的一个电阻应尽可能靠近受试设备的试验点,最好小于20 mm。第二个电阻应靠近电缆的末端,对于台式设备电缆连接于水平耦合板上(见图8),对于立式设备电缆连接于接地参考平面上(见图9)。
── 连续放电的时间间隔应长于受试设备的电荷自然衰减所需的时间;
── 使用带泄放电阻和炭纤维刷的接地电缆(例如,2×470 kΩ);
── 使用加速受试设备的电荷“自然”泄放到环境的空气-离子发生器。
注 在电荷衰减有争议时,可用非接触电场计监视受试设备上的电荷。当放电衰减至低于初始值的10%后,受试设备被认为已放电。
对于台式设备,如7.1.1和图5所述,受试设备放于绝缘衬垫(厚0.5 mm)上, 绝缘衬垫位于水平耦合板上。
2.    修改了条款8.3.1对受试设备直接施加放电的方法
标准差异:进行了语言的重新组织,GB/T 17626.2-1998(idt IEC61000-4-2:1995)对直接放电施加位置描述比较模糊,GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)标准明确了在静电放电试验中哪些部位需要施加静电放电,如何施加,增加了试验的可操作性,具体明确的技术要求如下:
8.3.1 Direct application of discharges to the EUT
Unless stated otherwise in the generic, product-related or product-family standards, the static
electricity discharges shall be applied only to those points and surfaces of the EUT which are
accessible to persons during normal use. The following exclusions apply (i.e. discharges are
not applied to those items):
a) those points and surfaces which are only accessible under maintenance. In this case,
special ESD mitigation procedures shall be given in the accompanying documentation;
b) those points and surfaces which are only accessible under service by the (end-)user.
Examples of these rarely accessed points are as follows: battery contacts while changing
batteries, a cassette in a telephone answering machine, etc.;
c) those points and surfaces of equipment which are no longer accessible after fixed
installation or after following the instructions for use, for example, the bottom and/or wallside
of equipment or areas behind fitted connectors;
d) the contacts of coaxial and multi-pin connectors which are provided with a metallic
connector shell. In this case, contact discharges shall only be applied to the metallic shell
of that connector.
Contacts within a non-conductive (for example, plastic) connector and which are
accessible shall be tested by the air-discharge test only. This test shall be carried out by
using the rounded tip finger on the ESD generator.
In general, six cases shall be considered:

e) those contacts of connectors or other accessible parts that are ESD sensitive because of
functional reasons and are provided with an ESD warning label, for example, r.f. inputs
from measurement, receiving or other communication functions.
Rationale: Many connector ports are designed to handle high-frequency information, either
analogue or digital, and therefore cannot be provided with sufficient overvoltage protection
devices. In the case of analogue signals, bandpass filters may be a solution. Overvoltage
protecting diodes have too much stray capacitance to be useful at the frequencies at
which the EUT is designed to operate.
In all previous cases, special ESD mitigation procedures are recommended, to be given in
the accompanying documentation.
a)    在维修时才接触得到的点和表面。这种情况下,特定的静电放电简化方法应在相关文件中注明。
b)    最终用户保养时接触到的点和表面。这些极少接触到的点,如换电池时接触到的电池、录音电话中的磁带等。
c)    设备安装固定后或按使用说明使用后不再能接触到的点和面,例如,底部和/或设备的靠墙面或安装端子后的地方。
d)    外壳为金属的同轴连接器和多芯连接器可接触到的点。该情况下,仅对连接器的外壳施加接触放电。

例    连接器外壳    涂层材料    空气放电    接触放电
1    金属    无    -    外壳
2    金属    绝缘    涂层    可接触的外壳
3    金属    金属    -    外壳和涂层
4    绝缘    无    a    -
5    绝缘    绝缘    涂层    -
6    绝缘    金属    -    涂层

e)  由于功能原因对静电放电敏感并有静电放电警告标签的连接器或其它接触部分可接触到的点,如测量、接收或其它通讯功能的射频输入端。
基本原理: 许多连接器端子用于处理模拟或数字的高频信息,因而不能使用充分的过压保护装置。过压保护二极管的寄生电容妨碍受试设备工作频段内的工作。对于模拟信号,带通滤波器可能是解决方案。
3. 修改了条款8.3.2.1对水平耦合板施加放电的方法
标准差异:进行了语言的重新组织,GB/T 17626.2-1998(idt IEC61000-4-2:1995)对施加的方法描述比较简略,且要求静电放电枪垂直于放电耦合版;
GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)标准明确了在静电放电试验中静电枪施加的位置,增加了试验的可操作性,且要求静电放电枪在水平方向对其边缘施加,具体要求如下:
IEC61000-4-2:2001 Horizontal coupling plane (HCP) under the EUT
Discharge to the HCP shall be made horizontally to the edge of the HCP.
At least 10 single discharges (in the most sensitive polarity) shall be applied at the front edge
of each HCP opposite the centre point of each unit (if applicable) of the EUT and 0,1 m from
the front of the EUT. The long axis of the discharge electrode shall be in the plane of the HCP
and perpendicular to its front edge during the discharge.
The discharge electrode shall be in contact with the edge of the HCP (see figure 5).
In addition, consideration should be given to exposing all sides of the EUT to this test.
在距受试设备每个单元(若适用)中心点前面的0.1 m处水平耦合板边缘,至少施加10 次单次放电(以最敏感的极性)。放电时,放电电极的长轴应处在水平耦合板的平面,并与其前面的边缘垂直。
4. 修改了GB/T 17626.2-1998(idt IEC61000-4-2:1995)条款9试验结果和报告,在GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)中将该部分拆分为两章:9. 试验结果的评价,10.试验报告
1)标准差异:进行了语言的重新组织,GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)明确指出性能降低或功能丧失的等级划分是由制造商、需要方或制造商和购买方协商后确定的,推荐性的结果评价中也充分体现了该点。新版要求如下:
9 Evaluation of test results
The test results shall be classified in terms of the loss of function or degradation of
performance of the equipment under test, relative to a performance level defined by its
manufacturer or the requestor of the test, or agreed between the manufacturer and the
purchaser of the product. The recommended classification is as follows:
a) normal performance within limits specified by the manufacturer, requestor or purchaser;
b) temporary loss of function or degradation of performance which ceases after the
disturbance ceases, and from which the equipment under test recovers its normal
performance, without operator intervention;
c) temporary loss of function or degradation of performance, the correction of which requires
operator intervention;
d) loss of function or degradation of performance which is not recoverable, owing to damage
to hardware or software, or loss of data.
The manufacturer’s specification may define effects on the EUT which may be considered
insignificant, and therefore acceptable.
This classification may be used as a guide in formulating performance criteria, by committees
responsible for generic, product and product-family standards, or as a framework for the
agreement on performance criteria between the manufacturer and the purchaser, for example
where no suitable generic, product or product-family standard exists.
a)    在制造商、委托方或购买方规定的限值内性能正常;
b)    功能或性能暂时丧失或降低,但在骚扰停止后能自行恢复,不需要操作者干预;
c)    功能或性能暂时丧失或降低,但需操作者干预才能恢复;
d)    因设备硬件或软件损坏,或数据丢失而造成不能恢复的功能丧失或性能降低。
2)标准差异:进行了语言的重新组织,GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)明确指出报告中应包含的信息,具体要求如下:
10 Test report
The test report shall contain all the information necessary to reproduce the test. In particular,
the following shall be recorded:
– the items specified in the test plan required by clause 8 of this standard;
– identification of the EUT and any associated equipment, for example, brand name, product
type, serial number;
– identification of the test equipment, for example, brand name, product type, serial number;
– any special environmental conditions in which the test was performed, for example,
shielded enclosure;
– any specific conditions necessary to enable the test to be performed;
– performance level defined by the manufacturer, requestor or purchaser;
– performance criterion specified in the generic, product or product-family standard;
– any effects on the EUT observed during or after the application of the test disturbance,
and the duration for which these effects persist;
– the rationale for the pass/fail decision (based on the performance criterion specified in the
generic, product or product-family standard, or agreed between the manufacturer and
the purchaser);
– any specific conditions of use, for example cable length or type, shielding or grounding, or
EUT operating conditions, which are required to achieve compliance.
—— 本标准中第8章要求的在试验计划中规定的项目内容;
—— 受试设备和辅助设备的标识,例如商标、产品型号、序列号;
—— 试验设备的标识,例如商标,产品型号,序列号;
—— 任何进行试验所需的专门环境条件,例如,屏蔽室;
—— 进行试验所需的任何特定条件;
—— 制造商、委托方或购买方规定的性能水平;
—— 在通用、产品或产品类标准中规定的性能要求;
—— 试验时在骚扰施加期间及以后观察到的对受试设备的任何影响,及其持续时间;
—— 试验通过/失败的判断原因(根据通用标准、产品标准或产品类标准规定的性能判据或制造商和购买方达成的协议);
—— 采用的任何特殊条件,例如电缆长度或类型,屏蔽或接地,或受试设备运行条件,均要符合规定。
GB/T 17626.2-1998(idt IEC61000-4-2:1995)    GB/T17626.2-2006(idt IEC61000-4-2:2001)
发表于 2007-7-17 12:42:11 | 显示全部楼层
如果 能把新标准贴上来,EMC之幸事!!
发表于 2007-7-18 10:30:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-7-18 14:54:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-12-20 13:23:57 | 显示全部楼层


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