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Major Difference Between EN61000-3-2: 2006 and EN61000-3-2: 2000

发表于 2007-8-16 13:17:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Major Difference Between EN61000-3-2: 2006 and EN61000-3-2: 2000

EN 61000-3-2:2006 

EN 61000−3−2: 2000 Application of limits

The average values for the individual harmonic currents, taken over the entire test

observation period shall be less than or equal to the applicable limits.

For each harmonic order, all 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. harmonic current values, as defined in 6.2.2, shall be either:

a) less than or equal to 150 % of the applicable limits, or

b) less than or equal to 200 % of the applicable limits under the following conditions, which apply all together:

1) the EUT belongs to Class A for harmonics;

2) the excursion beyond 150 % of the applicable limits lasts less than 10 % of the test observation period or in total 10 min (within the test observation period), whichever is smaller, and

3) the average value of the harmonic current, taken over the entire test observation period, is less than 90 % of the applicable limits.

Harmonic currents less than 0,6 % of the input current measured under the test conditions, or less than 5 mA, whichever is greater, are disregarded.

For the 21st and higher odd order harmonics, the average value obtained for each individual odd harmonic over the full observation period, calculated from the 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. values according to 6.2.2, may exceed the applicable limits by 50 % provided that the following conditions are met:

the measured partial odd harmonic current does not exceed the partial odd harmonic current which can be calculated from the applicable limits;

all 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. individual harmonic current values shall be less than or equal to 150 % of the applicable limits.

NOTE These exemptions (the use of the partial odd harmonic current for the average values and the 200 % short

term limit for single 1,5 s smoothed values) are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together. Application of limits

The average value for the individual harmonic currents, taken over the entire test observation period shall be less than or equal to the applicable limits.

For each harmonic order, all 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. harmonic current values, as defined in 6.2.2, shall be less than or equal to 150 % of the applicable limits.

Harmonic currents less than 0,6 % of the input current measured under the test conditions, or less than 5 mA, whichever is greater, are disregarded.

For the 21st and higher odd order harmonics, the average values obtained for each individual odd harmonic over the full observation period, calculated from the 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. values according to 6.2.2 may exceed the applicable limits by 50 % provided that the following

conditions are met:

- the measured partial odd harmonic current does not exceed the partial odd harmonic

current which can be calculated from the applicable limits.

- all 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. individual harmonic current values shall be less than or equal to 150 % of the applicable limits.



7.3 Limits for Class C equipment

However, the limits given in Table 1 apply to incandescent lighting equipment that has built-in dimmers or consists of dimmers built in an enclosure.

7.3 Limits for Class C equipment

No these description.


C.7 Test conditions for vacuum cleaners

The air inlet of the vacuum cleaner is adjusted according to normal operation as defined in IEC 60335-2-2.

During the test observation period, which shall not be shorter than 6 min, vacuum cleaners with electronic control are tested in three modes of operation, each for an identical time interval, with the control adjusted:

– to maximum input power,

– to a firing-angle of 90° ± 5°, or, if controlled by steps, to that step closest to 90°,

– and to minimum input power.

NOTE Alternatively, the equipment may be tested for 3 identical time intervals – each at least 2 min long – during

which the vacuum cleaner is operated in the above three modes. These 3 time intervals need not be consecutive,

but the application of limits is done as if the intervals were consecutive, without taking into account harmonic

current values outside these 3 intervals.

If the vacuum cleaner includes a control to select a temporary high-power ('booster') mode of operation, which automatically returns to a lower power mode, this high-power mode is not considered for the calculation of the average values. This mode shall be tested only against the limits for single 1,5 s smoothed r.m.s. values (see


C.7 Test conditions for vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner is tested with the air inlet adjusted according to the normal operation as

defined in 2.2.9 of IEC 60335-2-2. The control is set to a firing-angle of 90° ± 5°, or if controlled

by steps, to that step closest to 90°.



发表于 2009-11-3 21:34:58 | 显示全部楼层


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