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EMC core supporting structure(美国EMC技术专利)

发表于 2007-9-18 08:59:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  <div class="content"><p><b>Abstract</b><br />An EMC core supporting structure for supporting one or more EMC cores inside a casing, which accommodates a printed circuit board, includes a plate member capable of shielding electro-magnetic waves&#46; Preferably, the plate member expanding inside the casing to substantially cover the printed circuit board, and at least one side portion of the plate member is connected to an inner wall of the casing&#46; A supporting portion that receives the EMC core(s) is formed on a surface of the plate member opposite to a surface facing the printed circuit board for mounting the at least one EMC core on the plate member&#46;</p><p><a href="http://www&#46;google&#46;com/patents/pdf/EMC_core_supporting_structure&#46;pdf?id=qF8OAAAAEBAJ&output=pdf&sig=FVdWpy9bAz39FuRzZ2lth99fFOY"><font color="#336699">EMC core supporting structure(美国EMC技术专利)</font></a></p></div>


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