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EMC & RFI - A Summary(电磁兼容与射频干扰介绍)

发表于 2007-11-16 12:21:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  <p align="left">Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) are usually caused by the rapid switching action of semiconductors, relays, etc&#46; resulting in undesirable currents and voltages (electronic pollution?)&#46;&nbsp; These affect the reception of broadcasts and can lead to the malfunctioning of other sensitive electrical and electronic equipment&#46;</p><p align="left">Electromagnetic Interference refers to noise spread over the whole electromagnetic spectrum&#46;&nbsp; Radio Frequency Interference refers to noise over the part of the spectrum used specifically for broadcasting&#46;</p><p align="left"><img height="236" alt="Radio Frequency Interference" src="http://www&#46;mikrokontrol&#46;co&#46;yu/sysdrive/images/emc/emc_rfi3&#46;gif" width="649" /></p><p align="left">&nbsp;Inverters etc&#46; cause very severe interference over a wide frequency range, due to the very fast switching of components such as <strong>IGBT</strong>s&#46;</p>


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