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Satisfies EC Directive|CE Marking|EMC Directives|Low-Voltage Directives (LVD)

发表于 2007-11-16 12:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  <p align="left">Both the 3G3EV standard and advanced models in the range are compliant to meet the requirements of the EMC Directives and the Low-Voltage Directives&#46; Compliant with EMC Directives EN50081-1 and EN50082-2 and Low-Voltage Directive prEN50178&#46;</p><table border="0"><tbody><tr><td><img height="353" src="http://www&#46;mikrokontrol&#46;co&#46;yu/sysdrive/images/EVCE1&#46;gif" width="300" /></td><td><ul><li><p align="left"><strong>CE Marking</strong><br />A machine designated by specified <strong>EC</strong> Directives must now bear the <strong>CE</strong> marking so that the machine can be freely traded to and from European countries&#46; CE stands for Communauté Européene&#46;</p></li><li><p align="left"><strong>EMC Directives</strong><br />Directives for EMC electro-magnetic compatibility, by which EMC devices must abide so that the devices will be protected against EMI (electro-magnetic interference) and EMC (electro-magnetic susceptibility)&#46;</p></li><li><p align="left"><strong>Low-Voltage Directives (LVD)</strong><br />Directives that require electric devices ensure safety when operating at 50 to 1000 VAC or 75 to 1500 VDC&#46;</p></li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table><p>Dedicated noise filters complying with EMC Directives are available for the models in the range to reduce conducted noise&#46; Furthermore, the installation manuals describe installation methods that allow machines or appliances incorporating the 3G3EV inverter to comply with EMC Directives&#46;</p>


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