另外,后面的PIC单片机是对接线方式的判别。直接输出点亮相应的LED。后面的整流是为单片机供电用的,电流很小,最大平均电流在20mA以内。请问该如何降低干扰的产生?另外,一般整流二极管并电容的容量为多少比较合适?后面的滤波是有简化,因为真个线路板的空间很小,大概为40mm X 60mm, C1,C2,C3为安规电容,Q1,Q2,Q3为SIDAC
As you said this is a pulse generator, so if EMI problem solved, you will have some problem to generate the pulse. Or please let us know how is your specification for the pulse? Don;t know whether there is some solution... Do you see some other product with this design? [s:15]