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fcc 认证产品分类

发表于 2006-9-26 16:15:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  设备分类    设备所需的认可
电视广播接收机    Verification
调频收音机    Verification
民用频段接收机    Doc 或Certification
Superregenerative接收机    Doc 或Certification
扫描接收机    Certification
Part 15中的其它接收机    Doc 或Certification
电视干扰设备    Doc 或Certification
Cable system 终端设备    Doc
孤立的cable input selector switch    Verification
Class B个人电脑及外围设备    Doc 或Certification**
CPU板及同Class B个人电脑使用的内部电源供电装置    Doc 或Certification**
由经过认可的CPU板及内部电源供电装置组装起来的Class B个人电脑    Doc
Class B外部开关电源供电    Verification
其它Class B数字设备及外围设备    Verification
Class A数字设备,外围设备及外部开关电源供电    Verification
其它设备    Verification
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-26 16:16:27 | 显示全部楼层
Section 15.103 可免除的设备

下面的设备属于Section 15.5及15.29的一般的工作条件,可被特定的技术规范及本Part的其它要求豁免.这种被豁免的设备的操作者应被要求停止操作该设备,如果委员会或其代表发现此设备引起有害干扰.直到有害的干扰已被改善,才可重新使用该设备.尽管是非强制的,强烈建议被豁免设备的厂家要尽量使设备符合本Part的特定技术标准.

(a)    只在交通工具(包括发动机车辆和飞机)上使用的数字设备
(b)    在公共场所或工业化工厂仅作为电子控制或电源系统使用的数字设备.
(c)    仅用于工业,商业,或医疗测试用的数字设备
(d)    只在另一器具里面,如微波炉,洗碗机,干衣机,空调(中央或窗式)等,使用的数字设备
(e)    在病人家里或在医疗机构里面使用的专门的医疗数字设备(通常在已取得健康医疗从业执照的人士的监督指导下才可使用).非专用的医疗设备,如,以零售的方式出售给大众的,不可以被豁免.有录音功能的数字设备,或用于任何目的的,不与医学治疗直接相关的数字设备,也不能被豁免
(f)    功率不超过6 nW的数字设备
(g)    操纵杆,控制器,或类似设备,如鼠标,同数字设备一起使用的,但只包含非数字电路,或简单电路,将信号转换成所需的形式,被视为被动加上去的设备,它们本身并不用服从本技术标准或设备认可要求.
(h)    使用和产生的最高频率低于1.705MHz的, 不从交流电源线供电,或者从交流电源线供电,但按照规定的数字设备.数字设备包括(或使用时有规定),交流转换器,或电池充电器,当充电或间接连到交流电源上时,设备不能工作的,可以被豁免.如果通过其它设备连接到交流电源上获得供电的数字设备,不能被豁免.
(i)    对此要承担责任的团体应注意,如果设备包含有不只一个器件,除非所有的器件都可以被豁免,否则该设备不能被豁免.如果只有里面的一个器件可被豁免,其余的部分仍要满足任何规定.如果一个器件有一个以上的功能,所用的功能都不能豁免,则该器件不能被豁免.
发表于 2006-9-26 16:42:46 | 显示全部楼层
顶一下先。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2] [s:5]  [s:5]  [s:8]  [s:8]  [s:1]  [s:1]  [s:4]  [s:5]  [s:5]  [s:6]  [s:7]  [s:8]
发表于 2006-9-26 18:50:29 | 显示全部楼层
我有看过FCC Part 15,我想了解那里有讲到想做Motherboard需要做Open Case 因为我在FCC Part 15上没有看到啊!且听说可以放宽6dB,不知是法规上那里讲的?谢谢@@ [s:4]
发表于 2006-9-27 10:43:01 | 显示全部楼层
FCC 认证产品分类 英文版
Subpart B - Unintentional Radiators
Section 15.101 Equipment authorization of unintentional radiators.
(a) Except as otherwise exempted in §§ 15.23, 15.103, and 15.113, unintentional radiators shall
be authorized prior to the initiation of marketing, as follows:
Type of device Equipment authorization required
TV broadcast receiver............................................ Verification
FM broadcast receiver............................................ Verification
CB receiver............................................................. Declaration of Conformity or Certification
Superregenerative receiver..................................... Declaration of Conformity or Certification
Scanning receiver................................................... Certification
Radar detector…………………………………… Certification
All other receivers subject to Part 15..................... Declaration of Conformity or Certification
TV interface device................................................ Declaration of Conformity or Certification
Cable system terminal device................................. Declaration of Conformity
Stand-alone cable input selector switch................. Verification
Class B personal computers and peripherals.......... Declaration of Conformity or Certification**
CPU boards and internal power supplies used with
Class B personal computers...........................
Declaration of Conformity or Certification**
Class B personal computers assembled using
authorized CPU boards or power supplies.............
Declaration of Conformity
Class B external switching power supplies............ Verification
Other Class B digital devices & peripherals.......... Verification
Class A digital devices, peripherals & external
switching power supplies.......................................
Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL) Certification
All other devices..................................................... Verification
发表于 2006-9-27 10:48:05 | 显示全部楼层
Section 15.103 Exempted devices.
The following devices are subject only to the general conditions of operation in Sections 15.5 and 15.29 and are exempt from the specific technical standards and other requirements contained in this Part. The operator of the exempted device shall be required to stop operating the device upon a finding by the Commission or its representative that the device is causing harmful interference. Operation shall not resume until the condition causing the harmful interference has been corrected. Although not mandatory, it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer of an exempted device endeavor to have the device meet the specific technical standards in this Part.
(a) A digital device utilized exclusively in any transportation vehicle including motor vehicles
and aircraft.
(b) A digital device used exclusively as an electronic control or power system utilized by a
public utility or in an industrial plant. The term public utility includes equipment only to the extent that it is in a dedicated building or large room owned or leased by the utility and does not extend to equipment installed in a subscriber's facility.
(c) A digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial, or medical test equipment.
(d) A digital device utilized exclusively in an appliance, e.g., microwave oven, dishwasher,
clothes dryer, air conditioner (central or window), etc.
(e) Specialized medical digital devices (generally used at the direction of or under the
supervision of a licensed health care practitioner) whether used in a patient's home or a health care facility. Non-specialized medical devices, i.e., devices marketed through retail channels for use by the general public, are not exempted. This exemption also does not apply to digital devices used for record keeping or any purpose not directly connected with medical treatment.
(f) Digital devices that have a power consumption not exceeding 6 nW.
(g) Joystick controllers or similar devices, such as a mouse, used with digital devices but which
contain only non-digital circuitry or a simple circuit to convert the signal to the format required (e.g., an integrated circuit for analog to digital conversion) are viewed as passive add-on devices, not themselves directly subject to the technical standards or the equipment authorization requirements.
(h) Digital devices in which both the highest frequency generated and the highest frequency used are less than 1.705 MHz and which do not operate from the AC power lines or contain provisions for operation while connected to the AC power lines. Digital devices that include, or make provision for the use of, battery eliminators, AC adaptors or battery chargers which permit operation while charging or that connect to the AC power lines indirectly, obtaining their power through another device which is connected to the AC power lines, do not fall under this exemption.
(i) Responsible parties should note that equipment containing more than one device is not
exempt from the technical standards in this Part unless all of the devices in the equipment meet the criteria for exemption. If only one of the included devices qualifies for exemption, the remainder of the equipment must comply with any applicable regulations. If a device performs more than one function and all of those functions do not meet the criteria for exemption, the device does not qualify for inclusion under the exemptions.
发表于 2006-9-27 11:16:27 | 显示全部楼层
请问那位大侠有EN300826 标准?
发表于 2006-9-27 12:03:12 | 显示全部楼层
好像没EN300826 这本标准吧。
是ETSI EN 301 826 吗?
Private Integrated Services Network (PISN);Specification, functional model and information flows;Wireless terminal call handling additional network features [ISO/IEC 15430 (1999) modified]
发表于 2006-9-27 12:59:52 | 显示全部楼层
楼上的大侠,确实有这个标准,ETSI EN 301 826 也倒是没有听说。我去ETSI 官方网站看看。。。 [s:3]
发表于 2006-9-27 16:02:45 | 显示全部楼层
斑竹多多发表文章,各路友多多交流,多多益善 [s:1]


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