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Part 15.239 88~108MHz Audio sender(任何型式的發射器材)(如車用廣播擴音系統) 1. 主波電場強度 (Fundamental emission)Limit 250uV (47.95dBuV)2. 頻帶寬度 (Emission bandwidth)Lower CH Freq. -200K pt. > 88MHzUpper CH Freq. +200K pt. < 108MHz3. 頻帶外發射 (Out of band emission)在200KHz操作頻帶外之任何發射不得超過FCC Class B / 雜波不能比主波大 1. 主波電場強度 (Fundamental emission)RBW=100K; VBW=100K2. 頻帶寬度 (Emission bandwidth)RBW=10K; VBW=10K3. 不必要發射 (Spurious emission)測量頻率到10倍頻
Part 15.247 902~928MHz, 2.4~2.4835GHz,5.725~5.850GHz Digitally modulated intentional radiators:Spread Spectrum Device (FHSS)(展頻技術產品 – 跳頻技術)(如Bluetooth, Cordless phone) FHSS1. 20dB bandwidth: <1M2. Peak Output Power: 1W3. PPSD: 8dBm4. Band-edge: 20dB point5. Dwell time: <0.4sec6. Carrier frequency separation: >25k7. Channel number: >75CH8. Radiated emission: FCC Class B limit9. AC powerline conducted emission: CISPR 22 FHSS1. 頻道間隔最少距離25k or 20dB2. 應依照頻率表平均使用頻譜3. 接收機需提供與發射機相對應的接收頻寬及頻率跳動之說明文件4. 使用2.4~2.4835GHz應最少有15個不互相重疊的頻道5. 每個頻道的佔用時間需少於0.4sec6. Output power in 2..4GHz Band:頻道數<75CH: 0.125W / 其他: 1W
Digitally modulated intentional radiators:Spread Spectrum Device (DSSS)(展頻技術產品 – 直接序列)(如Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11a (upper band)/b/g) DSSS (DTS)1. 6dB bandwidth: >500k2. Peak output power: <1W3. PPSD: 8dBm4. Band-edge: <50dB pt.5. Radiated emission: FCC Class B limit6. AC powerline conducted emission: CISPR 22
Part 15.249 902~928MHz, 2.4~2.4835GHz,5.725~5.850GHz24G~24.25GHz* Intentional radiators using other modulation technique(Part 15.247以外的任何型式的發射器材)(如A/V sender; Wireless keyboard/mouse) 1. Band-edge: <20dB pt.2. Radiated emission: FCC Class B limit3. AC powerline conducted emission: CISPR 22 *24GHz~24.25GHz產品需符合§15.249b:1~3 (加測frequency tolerance)
Part 15.407 5.15~5.25GHz5.25~5.35GHz UNIIUnlicensed Nationnal Information Infrastructure Device(如Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11a (lower band)) UNII1. Band-edge 2. AC powerline conducted emission3. 26dB emission bandwidth4. Peak output power5. PPSD6. Peak excursion7. Conducted undesirable emission8. Radiated undesirable emission9. Transmission in absence of data10. Frequency stability |