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发表于 2008-9-12 10:53:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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(1) VERIFICATION (Section 2.902 47 CFR)  

Verification is a procedure where the manufacturer makes measurements or takes the necessary steps to ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards. Submittal of a sample unit or representative data to the Commission demonstrating compliance is not required unless specifically requested by the Commission pursuant to Section 2.957.

Examples of devices subject to Verification include, but are not limited to Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) equipment; business Class A computer equipment; TV and FM receivers. Devices subject only to Verification shall be uniquely identified.

To view examples of labels for Verification devices

A Declaration of Conformity is a procedure where the responsible party as defined in Section 2.909, makes measurements or takes other necessary steps to ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards. Submittal of a sample unit or representative data to the Commission demonstrating compliance is not required unless specifically requested pursuant to Section 2.1076.

Examples of devices subject to DoC include, but are not limited to Class B personal computers and peripherals; CB receivers; super-regenerative receivers; TV interface devices. Devices subject to DoC shall be uniquely identified.

Devices must be tested by a test laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP); the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA); or an accredited laboratory designated by the Commission under the terms of a negotiated Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).

To view a listing of accredited laboratories, choose "Accredited" at the Test Firm Type pull-down arrow at https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/o ... TestFirmSearch.cfm.

To view examples of labels for DoC devices

(3)CERTIFICATION (Section 2.907 47 CFR)  

Certification is an equipment authorization issued by the Commission or by a designated Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) based on representations and test data submitted by the applicant.

Examples of devices subject to Certification which must be submitted to the Commission include, but are not limited to Ultra Wideband; Software Defined Radio; new technology.

Examples of devices subject to Certification which must be submitted to a TCB are Computers and Computer Peripherals.

Examples of devices subject to Certification which may be submitted to either the Commission or to a TCB include, but are not limited to cell phones; RF Light; Microwave Oven; RC Transmitters; Family Radio; Telemetry Transmitters; Wireless Phones; Walkie Talkies.

To view a listing of test facilities that perform testing for a fee, click Test Firms under Reports at https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/oet/cf/eas/index.cfm .

To view a listing of TCBs, click TCB Search under Reports at https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/oetwl/index.html .

To view examples of labels for Certification devices


The Commission may designate a Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) to approve equipment under the Certification procedure based on an application with all the specified information. The TCB shall process the application to determine whether the product meets the Commission's requirements and shall issue a written grant of equipment authorization. The grant shall identify the TCB and the source of authority for issuing it.

Contact a TCB to determine whether a specific device may be authorized by them. To view a listing of TCBs, click TCB Search under Reports at https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/oetwl/index.html .

Examples of devices subject to Certification which must be submitted to the Commission include, but are not limited to Ultra Wideband; Software Defined Radio; new technology.

Examples of devices subject to Certification which must be submitted to a TCB are Computers and Computer Peripherals.

Examples of devices subject to Certification which may be submitted to either the Commission or to a TCB include, but are not limited to cell phones; RF Light; Microwave Oven; RC Transmitters; Family Radio; Telemetry Transmitters; Wireless Phones; Walkie Talkies.

To view examples of labels for Certification devices

FCC(Federal Communications Commission 美国联邦通讯委员会),是美国管理国家无线电资源的官方机构,类似中国的无线电管理委员会,它除了管理国家无线电资源,同时管制进入美国市场销售的电子产品其电磁干扰是否在限制范围内.FCC是美国强制认证.


1、Certification: 具有无线电发射装置的产品,必须做FCC Certifiction(红外线发射装置不在管制范围),其做法是FCC认可的实验室将检测报告递交FCC或TCB(Telecommunications Certification Body),由FCC或TCB审核通过后核发ID号码.

2、DoC: 常见的产品包括IT产品、微波炉、节能灯、镇流器等.

DOC是符合性宣告的缩写(Declaration of Conformity),但是与CE对于出具符合性报告的实验室没有资质要求所不同的是,FCC的DOC报告需由获得了NVLAP CODE(美国国家实验室认证系统)或A2LA(美国实验室认可协会)核可的实验室才可出具,NVLAP CODE或A2LA必须在DOC报告上注明,否则报告视为无效.




注:"FCC的DOC报告需由获得了NVLAP CODE或A2LA的实验室才可出具,NALAP CODE必须在DOC报告上注明,否则报告视为无效".应该是: FCC的DOC报告需由获得了NVLAP CODE或A2LA CODE的实验室才可出具,NVLAP CODE或A2LA CODE必须在DOC报告上注明,否则报告视为无效.

我们提到的NVLAP实验室当然就是指通过NVLAP认可的实验室,NVLAP全称是national voluntary laboratary accreditied program.同理A2LA也是指的经过A2LA认可的实验室.当然不是说NVLAP和A2LA官方,他们只是民间机构.
发表于 2008-10-21 22:50:05 | 显示全部楼层
learn a lot, THX
发表于 2009-10-26 10:59:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-5 10:11:53 | 显示全部楼层
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