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EN55022/CISPR22 Telecommunication Port Testing

发表于 2008-10-16 01:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  I am performing the EN55022/CISPR22 conducted common mode telecommunication ports for class B measurements on many E1 systems. All the measurements are done according to the specification. The measurements pass as long as the transmitted data pattern is pseudorandom. If the transmitted data pattern is all ones, the measurement will spike above the 20 dBuA limit and cause failures.

Any advice on which transmit pattern should be used during the measurement would be appreciated.

发表于 2008-10-16 09:43:44 | 显示全部楼层
for telecom ports. i suggest you  the transmitted data must be full for the port.

that's mean  all ports need work full . we also call this, Full system.

so you can use some tech measurement to do this job.

send big big bits data,back big big bits data.

just like ,Smart Bts ,Error Analyser....
发表于 2008-10-18 12:39:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-7-2 18:25:08 | 显示全部楼层
What telecommunication port you tested? RJ45 or RJ11?


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