楼主 |
发表于 2008-10-21 10:43:59
Shared Ground Plane:
The area for the chassis ground should be kept as small
as possible, so that the logic ground can be as large and as solid as possible.
Connect logic ground and classes ground by a ferrite bead, a 0-Ohm
resistor, or simply a thick trace to provide a DC path. For safety
considerations, the area under RJ-45 pins and part of magnetic is voided.
我看提供的demo板上的是全镂空,然后耐高压电容的一端出来的一条线绕整块板几乎一周,与USB的接地,串口的地连在一起,板子的角落还加一块四方形的铁块,块头还挺大的。最后这跳线在一个地方通过一个0ohm电阻与Logic Ground连在了一起。
还有这个chassis ground铁块的功效就是提供个类似大地用的功能,还是?相信demo板大家都见过,四个角落落都会有用螺丝顶起来的地螺丝,意思是这个该接地,还是说可以不用接地,还是有他的其他功效啊 ?
拜求!可否给点明确的回答,这些东西一直在我的概念中都是模模糊糊的,很是郁闷啊,多给点理论性的解释吧。 |